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Parola del giorno in inglese




inglese > italiano
     1. sost. coltre, coperta;
inglese > inglese
     1. subst. A heavy, loosely woven fabric, usually large and woollen, used for warmth while sleeping or resting.
           The baby was cold, so his mother put a blanket over him.
     2. subst. A layer of anything.
           The city woke under a thick blanket of fog.
     3. subst. A thick rubber mat used in the offset printing process to transfer ink from the plate to the paper being printed.
           A press operator must carefully wash the blanket whenever changing a plate.
     4. subst. A streak or layer of blubber in whales.
     5. adj. General; covering or encompassing everything.
           They sought to create a blanket solution for all situations.
           a blanket ban
     6. v. To cover with, or as if with, a blanket.
           A fresh layer of snow blanketed the area.
     7. v. To traverse or complete thoroughly.
           The salesman blanketed the entire neighborhood.
     8. v. To toss in a blanket by way of punishment.
     9. v. To take the wind out of the sails of (another vessel) by sailing to windward of her.
italiano > inglese
     1. subst. blanket
     2. subst. rug
     3. subst. deck (of a ship)


Frasi esempio

She put the blanket over the child sleeping on the sofa. 
    Mise la coperta addosso al bambino che dormiva sul divano.
What's under the blanket? 
    Cosa c'è sotto il lenzuolo?
Ask for another blanket if it's cold tonight. 
    Chiedi un'altra coperta se fa freddo stanotte.
Do you need an extra blanket? 
    Hai bisogno di una coperta in più?
The dog fell asleep on top of the blanket. 
    Il cane si è addormentato in cima alla coperta.

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