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Parola del giorno in inglese




inglese > italiano
     1. sost. (anatomia) guancia, gota
           she gave me a kiss on the cheek - mi ha dato un bacio sulla guancia
     2. sost. (senso figurato) impudenza, sfrontatezza, faccia tosta
           you really have some cheek! - hai proprio una bella faccia tosta!
     3. verb. comportarsi in modo sfrontato verso qualcuno
           don't you dare cheek me! - non osare essere sfrontato con me!
inglese > inglese
     1. subst. (anatomy) The soft skin on each side of the face, below the eyes; the outer surface of the sides of the oral cavity.
     2. subst. (anatomy informal usually in the plural) A buttock.
     3. subst. (informal) Impudence.
           You’ve got some cheek, asking me for money!
     4. subst. (biology, informal) One of the genae, flat areas on the sides of a trilobite's cephalon.
     5. subst. One of the pieces of a machine, or of timber or stonework, that form corresponding sides or a similar pair.
           the cheeks of a vice; the cheeks of a gun carriage
     6. subst. (in plural) The branches of a bridle bit.
     7. subst. (metalworking) The middle section of a flask, made so that it can be moved laterally, to permit the removal of the pattern from the mould.
     8. v. To be impudent towards.
           Don't cheek me, you little rascal!
italiano > inglese
     1. subst. cheek


Frasi esempio

She kissed him on the cheek. 
    Lei l'ha baciato sulla guancia.
I gave him a kiss on the cheek. 
    Gli ho dato un bacio sulla guancia.
The girl kissed her father on the cheek. 
    La ragazza ha baciato suo padre sulla guancia.

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