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Parola del giorno in inglese




inglese > italiano
     1. sost. pollo
     2. sost. galletto
inglese > inglese
     1. subst. A domestic fowl, Gallus gallus, especially when young.
     2. subst. The meat from this bird eaten as food.
     3. subst. (slang) A coward.
     4. subst. (slang) A young or inexperienced person.
     5. subst. (Polari) A young, attractive, slim man, usually having little body hair; compare chickenhawk.
     6. subst. The game of dare.
     7. subst.          A confrontational game in which the participants move toward each other at high speed (usually in automobiles); the player who turns first to avoid col
                   Don't play chicken with a freight train; you're guaranteed to lose.
     8. subst. A simple dance in which the movements of a chicken are imitated.
     9. adj. (informal) Cowardly.
           Why do you refuse to fight? Huh, I guess you're just too chicken.
     10. v. (intransitive) To avoid a situation one is afraid of.
     11. subst. (UK dialectal or obsolete) plural of chick
italiano > inglese
     1. subst. (meats) chicken (especially chicken meat)
     2. subst. (slang) sucker, chump, dupe or patsy
     3. subst. (slang) pushover or weakling


Frasi esempio

I can't eat chicken. 
    Io non riesco a mangiare il pollo.
Have you ever seen a man-eating tiger? No, but I have seen a man eating chicken. 
    "Hai mai visto una tigre che si nutre di carne umana?" "No, però ho visto un uomo mangiare del pollo."
I almost choked on a piece of chicken bone. 
    Io mi sono quasi soffocato con un pezzo d'osso di pollo.
"What's the difference between erotic and kinky?" "Erotic is when you use a feather and kinky is when you use a whole chicken." 
    "Qual è la differenza tra l'erotismo e la perversione?" "L'erotismo è usare una piuma, la perversione è usare una gallina intera."
Is there chicken for dinner? 
    C'è del pollo per cena?

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