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Parola del giorno in inglese




inglese > italiano
     1. agg. pulito, lindo, lustro
           a clean room - una stanza pulita
     2. agg. (senso figurato) pulito, puro, innocente (in senso morale, religioso o spirituale)
           a clean soul - un'anima pura
           my conscience is clean - ho la coscienza pulita
     3. agg. puro, inalterato, privo di difetti o contaminazioni
           clean steel - acciaio puro
     4. agg. preciso, netto, pulito, senza sbavature
           a clean cut - un taglio netto
     5. agg. vuoto
           this container is clean - questo container è vuoto
     6. agg. (gergale) disintossicato, astemio (di persona che non fa uso di stupefacenti)
           I was a cocaine addict, but I've been clean for two years - ero dipendente da cocaina, ma sono disintossicato da due anni
     7. avv. (familiare) completamente, totalmente
           man, you're clean mad - amico, sei completamente matto
     8. sost. pulita, pulizia (atto del pulire)
           this room needs a good clean - questa stanza ha bisogno di una buona pulita
     9. verb. pulire
           to clean a room - pulire una stanza
           to clean the windows - pulire le finestre
inglese > inglese
     1. adj. Free of dirt or impurities or protruberances.:
     2. adj.          Not dirty.
                   Are these dishes clean?  Your room is finally clean!
     3. adj.          In an unmarked condition.
                   Put a clean sheet of paper into the printer.
     4. adj.          (aerodynamics) Allowing an uninterrupted flow over surfaces, without protrusions such as racks or landing gear.
     5. adj.          Empty.
                   The cargo hold is clean.  Mister, I want to see a clean dinner plate or there'll be no dessert for you.
     6. adj.          (of metal) Having relatively few impurities.
                   clean steel
     7. adj. Free of immorality or criminality.:
     8. adj.          Pure, especially morally or religiously.
                   Our kids can watch this movie because it is clean.
     9. adj.          Not having used drugs or alcohol.
                   I've been clean this time for eight months.
     10. adj.          (of criminal, driving, etc. records) Without restrictions or penalties, or someone having such a record.
                   Unlike you, I’ve never caused any accidents — my record is still clean!
     11. adj.          (informal) Not in possession of weapons or contraband such as drugs.
                   I’m clean, officer. You can go ahead and search me if you want.
     12. adj.          (informal) Devoid of profanity.
     13. adj. Smooth, exact, and performed well.
           I’ll need a sharper knife to make clean cuts.  a clean leap over a fence
     14. adj. (obsolete) Total; utter.
     15. adj. (informal) Cool or neat.
           Wow, Dude, those are some clean shoes ya got there!
     16. adj. (health) Being free of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).
           I want to make sure my fiancé is clean before we are married.
     17. adj. That does not damage the environment.
           clean energy;  clean coal
     18. adj. Free from that which is useless or injurious; without defects.
           clean land;  clean timber
     19. adj. Free from restraint or neglect; complete; entire.
     20. adj. Well-proportioned; shapely.
           clean limbs
     21. adj. (climbing, of a route) Ascended without falling.
     22. subst. Removal of dirt.
           This place needs a clean.
     23. subst. (weightlifting) The first part of the event clean and jerk in which the weight is brought from the ground to the shoulders.
     24. v. To remove dirt from a place or object.
           Can you clean the windows today?
     25. v. To tidy up, make a place neat.
           Clean your room right now!
     26. v. (transitive, climbing) To remove equipment from a climbing route after it was previously lead climbed.
     27. v. (intransitive) To make things clean in general.
           She just likes to clean. That’s why I married her.
     28. v. (transitive, computing) To remove unnecessary files, etc. from (a directory, etc.).
     29. v. (intransitive, curling) To brush the ice lightly in front of a moving rock to remove any debris and ensure a correct line; less vigorous than a sweep.
     30. v. (manga fandom) To purge a raw of any blemishes caused by the scanning process such as brown tinting and poor color contrast.
     31. v. To remove guts and/or scales of a butchered animal.
     32. adv. Fully and completely.
           He was stabbed clean through.
           You must be clean mad.
italiano > inglese
     1. adj. (literally or figuratively) clean, neat, tidy
     2. adj. (colloquial) broke (having no money)
     3. adv. cleanly, neatly
     4. subst. clean place



Frasi esempio

She's very clean. 
    È molto pulita.
My room is always clean. 
    La mia stanza è sempre pulita.
This table is clean. 
    Questo tavolo è pulito.
I should clean my room. 
    Dovrei pulire la mia stanza.
I clean my room almost every day. 
    Pulisco la mia stanza quasi ogni giorno.

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