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Parola del giorno in inglese




inglese > italiano
     1. sost. strato
     2. sost. (abbigliamento) cappotto
inglese > inglese
     1. subst. An outer garment covering the upper torso and arms.Wp
     2. subst. A covering of material, such as paint.Wp
     3. subst. The fur or feathers covering an animal's skin.Wp
           When the dog shed its coat, it left hair all over the furniture and the carpet.
     4. subst. (nautical) Canvas painted with thick tar and secured round a mast or bowsprit to prevent water running down the sides into the hold (now made of rubber or leather).
     5. subst. (obsolete) A petticoat.
     6. subst. The habit or vesture of an order of men, indicating the order or office; cloth.
     7. subst. A coat of arms.Wp
     8. subst. A coat card.
     9. v. To cover with a coat of some material
           One can buy coated frying pans, which are much easier to wash up than normal ones.
     10. v. To cover as a coat.
italiano > inglese
     1. subst. (fashion) coat, overcoat
     2. subst. (fashion) greatcoat
     3. subst. (sports) whitewash (complete victory or series of victories without suffering any losses; a clean sweep)


Frasi esempio

Could you put this coat somewhere? 
    Potresti mettere questo cappotto da qualche parte?
This coat is nice, but too expensive. 
    Questo cappotto è bello, però è troppo costoso.
I can't keep my coat on in this heat. 
    Non posso tenere il cappotto con questo caldo.
I left my coat at home on purpose. 
    Ho lasciato apposta il cappotto a casa.
I bought this coat at a low price. 
    Ho comprato questo cappotto ad un prezzo basso.

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