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Parola del giorno in inglese




inglese > italiano
     1. sost. folla, calca, massa di persone
           the crowd was so thick we couldn't move - la calca era così spessa che non potevamo muoverci
           there was a crowd waiting for the bus - c'era una folla ad aspettare l'autobus
     2. sost. ammasso, massa, mucchio indistinto di oggetti
           there was a crowd of toys under the couch - c'era un mucchio di giocattoli sotto il divano
     3. sost. (con l'articolo determinativo) il popolo, il popolino, il volgo
     4. verb. affollare
           many people were crowding the street - molte persone affollavano la strada
           the hall was crowded with people - la sala era affollata di gente
     5. verb. pressare, spintonare
           the mob was crowding me - la folla mi pressava
     6. verb. (marina) spiegare (le vele)
           to crowd the sail - spiegare le vele
     7. verb. affollarsi, radunarsi, accalcarsi
           the whole company crowded around the fire - l'intera compagnia si radunò intorno al fuoco
inglese > inglese
     1. v. (intransitive) To press forward; to advance by pushing.
           The man crowded into the packed room.
     2. v. (intransitive) To press together or collect in numbers
           They crowded through the archway and into the park.
     3. v. To press or drive together, especially into a small space; to cram.
           He tried to crowd too many cows into the cow-pen.
     4. v. To fill by pressing or thronging together
     5. v. (transitive, often used with "out of" or "off") To push, to press, to shove.
           They tried to crowd her off the sidewalk.
     6. v. (nautical) To approach another ship too closely when it has right of way.
     7. v. (nautical, of a square-rigged ship, transitive) To carry excessive sail in the hope of moving faster.
     8. v. To press by solicitation; to urge; to dun; hence, to treat discourteously or unreasonably.
     9. subst. A group of people congregated or collected into a close body without order.
           After the movie let out, a crowd of people pushed through the exit doors.
     10. subst. Several things collected or closely pressed together; also, some things adjacent to each other.
           There was a crowd of toys pushed beneath the couch where the children were playing.
     11. subst. (with definite article) The so-called lower orders of people; the populace, vulgar.
     12. subst. A group of people united or at least characterised by a common interest.
           That obscure author's fans were a nerdy crowd which hardly ever interacted before the Internet age.
     13. subst. (obsolete) alternative form of crwth
     14. subst. (now dialectal) A fiddle.
     15. v. (obsolete, intransitive) To play on a crowd; to fiddle.
italiano > inglese
     1. subst. crowd; mob
     2. subst. multitude, host



Frasi esempio

There was a large crowd there. 
    C'era una grande folla lì.
We lost sight of Jack in the crowd. 
    Abbiamo perso di vista Jack nella folla.
The angry crowd threw missiles at the police. 
    La folla inferocita ha lanciato dei missili contro la polizia.
I lost sight of her in the crowd. 
    L'ho persa di vista nella folla.
There was a crowd of students waiting in front of the library. 
    C'era una folla di studenti in attesa davanti alla biblioteca.

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