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Parola del giorno in inglese




inglese > italiano
     1. sost. bevanda
     2. verb. bere
inglese > inglese
     1. v. To consume (a liquid) through the mouth.
           He drank the water I gave him.
           You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink.
     2. v. (transitive, metonymic) To consume the liquid contained within (a bottle, glass, etc.).
           Jack drank the whole bottle by himself.
     3. v. (intransitive) To consume alcoholic beverages.
           You've been drinking, haven't you?
           No thanks, I don't drink.
     4. v. To take in (a liquid), in any manner; to suck up; to absorb; to imbibe.
     5. v. To take in; to receive within one, through the senses; to inhale; to hear; to see.
     6. v. (transitive, obsolete) To smoke, as tobacco.
     7. subst. A beverage.
           I’d like another drink please.
     8. subst. A (served) alcoholic beverage.
           Can I buy you a drink?
     9. subst. The action of drinking, especially with the verbs take or have.
           He was about to take a drink from his root beer.
     10. subst. A type of beverage (usually mixed).
           My favourite drink is the White Russian.
     11. subst. Alcoholic beverages in general.
     12. subst. (colloquial, with the) Any body of water.
           If he doesn't pay off the mafia, he’ll wear cement shoes to the bottom of the drink!
     13. subst. (archaic) Drinks in general; something to drink
italiano > inglese
     1. v. to drink


Frasi esempio

I feel like a drink. 
    Ho voglia di bere qualcosa.
How often do you drink? 
    Quanto spesso bevi?
I didn't drink much. 
    Non ho bevuto molto.
You can't drink the water here. 
    Non si può bere l'acqua qui.
You drink beer, don't you? 
    Bevi birra, vero?

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