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Parola del giorno in inglese




inglese > italiano
     1. sost. oro
     2. agg. oro
     3. agg. dorato
inglese > inglese
     1. subst. A heavy yellow elemental metal of great value, with atomic number 79 and symbol Au.
     2. subst. (lb or un) A coin or coinage made of this material, or supposedly so.
     3. subst. A bright yellow colour, resembling the metal gold.
           (color panel, FFD700)
     4. subst. The bullseye of an archery target.
     5. subst. A gold medal.
           France has won three golds and five silvers.
     6. subst. (figuratively) Anything or anyone that is very valuable.
     7. subst. (slang) A grill (qual, jewellery worn on front teeth) made of gold.
     8. adj. Made of gold.
     9. adj. Having the colour of gold.
     10. adj. (of commercial services) Premium, superior.
     11. v. To pyrolyze or burn food until the color begins to change to a light brown, but not as dark as browning
     12. adj. (programming, of software) In a finished state, ready for manufacturing.
     13. adv. of or referring to a gold version of something
italiano > inglese
     1. subst. (chemistry) gold
     2. subst. (sports) gold, gold medal
     3. subst. gold (colour)
     4. subst. (heraldry) or
     5. subst. (in the plural) gold jewels
     6. subst. (figuratively) gold, money, wealth
     7. adj. gold (in colour)


Frasi esempio

Iron is much more useful than gold. 
    Il ferro è molto più utile dell'oro.
Those present took it for genuine gold. 
    I presenti l'hanno scambiato per oro vero.
We went in search of gold. 
    Siamo andati alla ricerca dell'oro.
Silver doesn't cost as much as gold. 
    L'argento non costa come l'oro.
Love is more precious than gold. 
    L'amore è più prezioso dell'oro.

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