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Parola del giorno in inglese




inglese > italiano
     1. erba
inglese > inglese
     1. subst. Any plant of the family Poaceae, characterized by leaves that arise from nodes in the stem and leaf bases that wrap around the stem, especially those grown as ground cover rather than for grain.
     2. subst. Various plants not in family Poaceae that resemble grasses.
     3. subst. A lawn.
     4. subst. (slang) Marijuana.
     5. subst. (Britain, slang) An informer, police informer; one who betrays a group (of criminals, etc) to the authorities.
     6. subst. (physics) Sharp, closely spaced discontinuities in the trace of a cathode-ray tube, produced by random interference.
     7. subst. (slang) Noise on an A-scope or similar type of radar display.
     8. subst. The season of fresh grass; spring.
     9. subst. (obsolete, figurative) That which is transitory.
     10. subst. (folk etymology) Asparagus.
     11. v. To lay out on the grass; to knock down (an opponent etc.).
     12. v. (transitive, or intransitive, slang) To act as a grass or informer, to betray; to report on (criminals etc) to the authorities.
     13. v. To cover with grass or with turf.
     14. v. To expose, as flax, on the grass for bleaching, etc.
     15. v. To bring to the grass or ground; to land.
           to grass a fish
italiano > inglese
     1. subst. grass
     2. subst. herb
     3. subst. (slang) marijuana



Frasi esempio

The grass in the park is green and beautiful. 
    L'erba nel parco è verde e bella.
Some children are playing on the grass. 
    Alcuni bambini stanno giocando sull'erba.
The grass needs cutting. 
    L'erba ha bisogno di essere tagliata.
These animals feed on grass. 
    Questi animali si nutrono d'erba.
There is no grass on the moon. 
    Non c'è erba sulla Luna.

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