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Parola del giorno in inglese




inglese > italiano
     1. sost. (inv) miele
     2. sost. un vezzeggiativo come tesoro
inglese > inglese
     1. subst. A viscous, sweet fluid produced from plant nectar by bees. Often used to sweeten tea or to spread on baked goods.
     2. subst. A variety of this substance.
     3. subst. (figuratively) Something sweet or desirable.
     4. subst. A term of affection.
           Honey, would you take out the trash?
           Honey, I'm home.
     5. subst. (informal) A woman, especially an attractive one.
           Man, there are some fine honeys here tonight!
     6. subst. A spectrum of pale yellow to brownish-yellow colour, like that of most types of (the sweet substance) honey.
           (color panel, FDD378)
     7. adj. Involving or resembling honey.
     8. adj. Of a pale yellow to brownish-yellow colour, like most types of honey.
     9. v. To sweeten; to make agreeable.
     10. v. (intransitive) To be gentle, agreeable, or coaxing; to talk fondly; to use endearments.
     11. v. (intransitive) To be or become obsequiously courteous or complimentary; to fawn.
italiano > inglese
     1. subst. honey
     2. subst. sweetness
     3. subst. pale yellow colour


Frasi esempio

Do you want bread with cheese or bread with honey? 
    Vuoi pane con il formaggio o pane con il miele?
She's as sweet as honey. 
    È dolce come il miele.
Yesterday, I put honey in my tea. 
    Ieri ho messo del miele nel mio tè.
I like honey. 
    Il miele mi piace.
How much honey is left? 
    Quanti soldi restano?

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