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Parola del giorno in inglese




inglese > italiano
     1. sost. esterno
     2. sost. esteriore
     3. agg. esterno
     4. agg. esteriore
     5. avv. fuori
     6. avv. all' esterno
     7. prep. fuori di
     8. prep. all' esterno di
inglese > inglese
     1. subst. The part of something that faces out; the outer surface.
     2. subst. The external appearance of something.
     3. subst. The space beyond some limit or boundary.
     4. subst. The furthest limit, as to number, quantity, extent, etc.
           It may last a week at the outside.
     5. subst. (dated, UK, colloquial) A passenger riding on the outside of a coach or carriage.
     6. adj. Of or pertaining to the outer surface, limit or boundary.
           The outside surface looks good.
     7. adj. Of, pertaining to or originating from beyond the outer surface, limit or boundary.
     8. adj. (baseball, of a pitch) Away (far) from the batter as it crosses home plate.
           The first pitch is ... just a bit outside.
     9. adj. Reaching the extreme or farthest limit, as to extent, quantity, etc.
           an outside estimate
     10. adv. Outdoors.
           I slept outside last night.
     11. adv. To the outdoors or outside.
           I am going outside.
     12. prep. On the outside of, not inside (something, such as a building).
     13. prep. Near, but not in.
     14. prep. (usually with “of”) Except, apart from.
           Outside of winning the lottery, the only way to succeed is through many years of hard work.
italiano > inglese
     1. adv. out, outside
     2. adv. outdoors
     3. prep. out, outside



Frasi esempio

Children should play outside. 
    I bambini dovrebbero giocare all'esterno.
On the one eye, watch the outside world, on the other look deep inside yourself. 
    Con un occhio cerca nel mondo esterno, mentre con l'altro cerchi dentro di te.
Let's go outside and eat. 
    Andiamo fuori a mangiare.
Wait outside. 
    Aspetta fuori.
Take him outside. 
    Portalo fuori.

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