inglese > italiano | |
painting | |
1. sost. pittura | |
2. sost. verniciatura | |
3. sost. dipinto | |
4. sost. quadro | |
paint | |
1. sost. vernice | |
2. sost. colore | |
3. verb. dipingere | |
to paint the door blue | |
dipingere la porta di azzurro | |
4. verb. verniciare | |
inglese > inglese | |
painting | |
1. subst. An illustration or artwork done with the use of paint. |  |
The Mona Lisa is one of the most famous paintings. |  |
2. subst. The action of applying paint to a surface. |  |
The outside of the old house would benefit from some painting. |  |
3. subst. The same activity as an art form. |  |
Some artists, like Michelangelo, excel in both painting and sculpture. |  |
italiano > inglese | |
dipinto | |
1. adj. painted |  |
2. subst. a picture or painting |  |