inglese > italiano | |
skirt | |
1. sost. (abbigliamento) gonna | |
inglese > inglese | |
skirt | |
1. subst. An article of clothing, usually worn by women and girls, that hangs from the waist and covers the lower part of the body. |  |
2. subst. The part of a dress or robe, etc., that hangs below the waist. |  |
3. subst. A loose edging to any part of a dress. |  |
4. subst. A petticoat. |  |
5. subst. (pejorative, slang) A woman. |  |
6. subst. (colloquial) Women collectively, in a sexual context. |  |
7. subst. (colloquial) Sexual intercourse with a woman. |  |
8. subst. Border; edge; margin; extreme part of anything. |  |
9. subst. The diaphragm, or midriff, in animals. |  |
10. v. To be on or form the border of. |  |
The plain was skirted by rows of trees. |  |
11. v. To move around or along the border of; to avoid the center of. |  |
12. v. To cover with a skirt; to surround. |  |
13. v. To avoid or ignore (something); to manage to avoid (something or a problem); to skate by (something). |  |
He skirted the issue of which parties to attend by staying at home instead. |  |
italiano > inglese | |
gonna | |
1. subst. skirt |  |