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Parola del giorno in inglese




inglese > italiano
     1. agg. soffice, morbido
     2. agg. *{{it}}:soffice, morbido
inglese > inglese
     1. adj. Easily giving way under pressure.
           My head sank easily into the soft pillow.
     2. adj. (of cloth or similar material) Smooth and flexible; not rough, rugged, or harsh.
           Polish the silver with a soft cloth to avoid scratching.
           soft silk; a soft skin
     3. adj. (of a sound) Quiet.
           I could hear the soft rustle of the leaves in the trees.
     4. adj. Gentle.
           There was a soft breeze blowing.
     5. adj. Expressing gentleness or tenderness; mild; conciliatory; courteous; kind.
           soft eyes
     6. adj. Gentle in action or motion; easy.
     7. adj. Weak in character; impressible.
     8. adj. Requiring little or no effort; easy.
     9. adj. Not bright or intense.
           soft lighting
     10. adj. Having a slight angle from straight.
           At the intersection with two roads going left, take the soft left.
           It's important to dance on soft knees to avoid injury.
     11. adj. (linguistics) Voiced; sonant.
     12. adj. (linguistics, rare) voiceless
     13. adj. (linguistics, Slavic languages) palatalized
     14. adj. (slang) Lacking strength or resolve, wimpy.
           When it comes to drinking, he is as soft as they come.
     15. adj. (of water) Low in dissolved calcium compounds.
           You won't need as much soap, as the water here is very soft.
     16. adj. (colloquial) Foolish.
     17. adj. (physics) Of a ferromagnetic material; a material that becomes essentially non magnetic when an external magnetic field is removed, a material with a low magnetic coercivity. (compare hard)
     18. adj. (of a person) Physically or emotionally weak.
     19. adj. Incomplete, or temporary; not a full action.
           The admin imposed a soft block/ban on the user or a soft lock on the article.
     20. adj. (of a man) Effeminate.
     21. adj. Agreeable to the senses.
           a soft liniment
           soft wines
     22. adj. Not harsh or offensive to the sight; not glaring or jagged; pleasing to the eye.
           soft colours
           the soft outline of the snow-covered hill
     23. inter. (archaic) Be quiet; hold; stop; not so fast.
     24. adv. (obsolete) Softly; without roughness or harshness; gently; quietly.
     25. subst. A soft or foolish person; an idiot.
     26. subst. (motorsports) (ellipsis of soft tyre) (A tyre whose compound is softer than mediums, and harder than supersofts.)
italiano > inglese
     1. adj. soft, tender, mellow
           matita morbida, matita dura - soft pencil, hard pencil
     2. adj. (figuratively) docile, compliant
     3. subst. soft place

Frasi esempio

The boys do not sit on benches in the garden, but lie on the soft grass. 
    I ragazzi non si siedono sulle panchine nel giardino, ma si sdraiano sull'erba morbida.
The bed at the hotel where I stayed was too soft. 
    Il letto dell'hotel dove ho soggiornato era troppo morbido.
She has a soft and clear voice. 
    Lei ha la voce morbida e chiara.
My teacher has a very soft voice. 
    La mia insegnante ha una voce molto dolce.
The shoes were made of some soft stuff that looked like leather. 
    Le scarpe erano fatte di un qualche materiale morbido che sembrava pelle.

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