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Parola del giorno in inglese




inglese > italiano
     1. sost. minestra, zuppa
inglese > inglese
     1. subst. Any of various dishes commonly made by combining liquids, such as water, milk or stock with other ingredients, such as meat, vegetables and corn flakes, that contribute flavor and texture.
           Pho is a traditional Vietnamese soup.
     2. subst.          A serving of such a dish, typically in a bowl.
     3. subst.          The liquid part of such a dish; the broth.
     4. subst. (figuratively) Any mixture or substance suggestive of soup consistency.
     5. subst.          (slang) Thick fog or cloud (also pea soup).
     6. subst.          (US, slang) Nitroglycerin or gelignite, especially when used for safe-cracking.
     7. subst.          (cant) Dope (illicit drug, used for making horses run faster or to change their personality).
     8. subst.          (photography) Processing chemicals into which film is dipped, such as developer.
     9. subst.          (biology) Liquid or gelatinous substrate, especially the mixture of organic compounds that is believe to have played a role in the origin of life on Ea
                    primordial soup
     10. subst.          (informal) An unfortunate situation; trouble, problems (a fix, a mess); chaos.
     11. subst.          (surfing) The foamy portion of a wave.
     12. v. (uncommon) To feed: to provide with soup or a meal.
     13. v. (photography) To develop (film) in a (chemical) developing solution.
     14. v. alternative form of sup
     15. subst. alternative form of sup
     16. v. (obsolete) To sup or swallow.
     17. v. (obsolete) To breathe out; to draw out.
     18. v. (obsolete) To sweep.
italiano > inglese
     1. subst. soup
     2. subst. pasta (boiled and eaten with a sauce)


Frasi esempio

Don't make noise while eating soup. 
    Non fare rumore mentre mangi la minestra.
Hot soup burned her tongue. 
    La minestra calda le ha scottato la lingua.
Have some soup. 
    Prendi un po' di zuppa.
He thought someone had put poison in his soup. 
    Pensava che qualcuno gli avesse messo del veleno nella minestra.
Do you want some soup? 
    Vuoi un po' di minestra?

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