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Palavra Inglês do Dia




inglês > português
     1. Adjetivo. cortado:
           You should immediately put cut flowers into a vase with water. (Deve-se pôr flores cortadas imediatamente em um vaso com água.
     2. Adjetivo. recortado
     3. Adjetivo. cortado, excluído, retirado:
           The cut scenes are found on the DVD. (As cenas cortadas são encontradas no DVD.)
     4. Adjetivo. reduzido
     5. Adjetivo. lapidado
     6. Adjetivo. (Informal) circuncidado
     7. Substantivo. corte, talho, incisão:
           He made a fine cut with his sword. (Ele fez um belo corte com sua espada.)
           Look at this cut on my finger! (Olha só este talho no meu dedo!)
     8. Substantivo. recorte, corte feito com a ajuda de uma tesoura
     9. Substantivo. porção, parcela, quinhão, parte:
           The lawyer took a cut of the profits. (O advogado ficou com uma parte dos lucros.)
     10. Substantivo. redução, diminuição, queda:
           There was a cut in prices. (Houve cortes nos preços.)
     11. Substantivo. corte, estilo de um traje ou peça de vestuário:
           I like the cut of that suit. (Gostei do corte desse traje.)
     12. Substantivo. peça, corte (de carne):
           That's our finest cut of meat! (Esta é nossa melhor peça.)
     13. Substantivo. afronta, recusa na retribuição de um cumprimento
     14. Substantivo. (Cinema) versão (de um filme ou canção)
     15. Verbo. cortar, ferir com cortes:
           I cut my hand. (Cortei minha mão.)
     16. Verbo. recortar, cortar com uma tesoura:
           Don't forget to cut along the dotted lines. (Não se esqueça de recortar nas linhas pontilhadas.)
     17. Verbo. cortar, dividir, partir, repartir:
           Would you please cut the cake? (Poderia por favor cortar o bolo?)
     18. Verbo. lapidar:
           I have three diamonds to cut today. (Tenho três diamantes para lapidar hoje.)
     19. Verbo. cortar, reduzir (despesas, gastos, etc.):
           They're going to cut salaries by fifteen percent. (Vão reduzir os salários em quinze por cento.)
     20. Verbo. interromper, parar:
           They cut the electricity. (Cortaram a luz.)
     21. Verbo. cortar, excluir, desligar, afastar:
           Travis and Bob were cut from the team. (Travis e Bob foram afastados do time.)
     22. Verbo. cortar, atravessar, cruzar;
           This road cuts right through downtown. (Esta via corta o centro da cidade de uma ponta a outra.)
     23. Verbo. editar, remover trechos de uma canção ou de um filme:
           The film was cut by ten minutes. (Foram cortados dez minutos do filme.)
     24. Verbo. (Informática) recortar, remover letras, palavras ou de um local (geralmente para colocá-los em outro):
           Ben cut the text from some text file and pasted it into a spreadsheet. (Ben recortou o texto de um arquivo texto e colou-o em uma planilha.)
     25. Verbo. (Educação) (Informal) matar (aula), cabular, deixar de comparecer a determinada aula:
           I cut fifth period to hang out with Angela. (Matei o quinto período para ficar com a Angela.)
     26. Verbo. (Jogo) cortar, separar o baralho em dois montes:
           If you cut then I'll deal. (Se é tu quem cortas, sou eu quem dou as cartas.)
     27. Verbo. furar (a fila):
           One student kept trying to cut in front of the line. (Um aluno ficou tentando furar a fila.)
     28. Verbo. (Desporto) cortar, fintar, driblar:
           The football player cut to his left to evade a tackle. (O jogador de futebol cortou para a esquerda para evitar o desarme.)
     29. Verbo. (Cinema) passar de uma cena para outra.
inglês > inglês
     1. adj. (participial adjective) Having been cut.
     2. adj. Reduced.
           The pitcher threw a cut fastball that was slower than his usual pitch.
           Cut brandy is a liquor made of brandy and hard grain liquor.
     3. adj. Omitted from a literary or musical work.
           My favourite song had been cut from the show.
     4. adj. (of a gem) Carved into a shape; not raw.
     5. adj. (cricket, of a shot) Played with a horizontal bat to hit the ball backward of point.
     6. adj. (bodybuilding) Having muscular definition in which individual groups of muscle fibers stand out among larger muscles.
     7. adj. (informal) Circumcised or having been the subject of female genital mutilation
     8. adj. (Australia, NZ, slang) Emotionally hurt.
     9. adj. Eliminated from consideration during a recruitment drive.
     10. adj. Removed from a team roster.
     11. adj. (NZ) Intoxicated as a result of drugs or alcohol.
     12. n. An opening resulting from cutting.
           Look at this cut on my finger!
     13. n. The act of cutting.
           He made a fine cut with his sword.
     14. n. The result of cutting.
           a smooth or clear cut
     15. n. A notch, passage, or channel made by cutting or digging; a furrow; a groove.
           a cut for a railroad
     16. n. (specifically) An artificial navigation as distinguished from a navigable river
     17. n. A share or portion.
           The lawyer took a cut of the profits.
     18. n. (cricket) A batsman's shot played with a swinging motion of the bat, to hit the ball backward of point.
     19. n. (cricket) Sideways movement of the ball through the air caused by a fast bowler imparting spin to the ball.
     20. n. (sports) In lawn tennis, etc., a slanting stroke causing the ball to spin and bound irregularly; also, the spin thus given to the ball.
     21. n. (golf) In a strokeplay competition, the early elimination of those players who have not then attained a preannounced score, so that the rest of the competition is less pressed for time and more entert
     22. n. (theatre) A passage omitted or to be omitted from a play.
           The director asked the cast to note down the following cuts.
     23. n. (cinema) A particular version or edit of a film.
     24. n. The act or right of dividing a deck of playing cards.
           The player next to the dealer makes a cut by placing the bottom half on top.
     25. n. The manner or style a garment etc. is fashioned in.
           I like the cut of that suit.
     26. n. A slab, especially of meat.
           That’s our finest cut of meat.
     27. n. (fencing) An attack made with a chopping motion of the blade, landing with its edge or point.
     28. n. A deliberate snub, typically a refusal to return a bow or other acknowledgement of acquaintance.
     29. n. A definable part, such as an individual song, of a recording, particularly of commercial records, audio tapes, CDs, etc.
           The drummer on the last cut of their CD is not identified.
     30. n. (archaeology) A truncation, a context that represents a moment in time when other archaeological deposits were removed for the creation of some feature such as a ditch or pit.
     31. n. A haircut.
     32. n. (graph theory) The partition of a graph’s vertices into two subgroups.
     33. n. A string of railway cars coupled together.
     34. n. An engraved block or plate; the impression from such an engraving.
           a book illustrated with fine cuts
     35. n. (obsolete) A common workhorse; a gelding.
     36. n. (slang) The failure of a college officer or student to be present at any appointed exercise.
     37. n. A skein of yarn.
     38. n. (slang) That which is used to dilute or adulterate a recreational drug.
           Don't buy his coke: it's full of cut.
     39. n. (fashion) A notch shaved into an eyebrow.
     40. n. (bodybuilding) A time period when one tries to lose fat while retaining muscle mass.
     41. v. (heading, transitive) To incise, to cut into the surface of something.
     42. v.          To perform an incision on, for example with a knife.
     43. v.          To divide with a knife, scissors, or another sharp instrument.
                   Would you please cut the cake?
     44. v.          To form or shape by cutting.
                   I have three diamonds to cut today.
     45. v.          (slang) To wound with a knife.
     46. v.          (intransitive) To engage in self-harm by making cuts in one's own skin.
                    The patient said she had been cutting since the age of thirteen.
     47. v.          To deliver a stroke with a whip or like instrument to.
     48. v.          To wound or hurt deeply the sensibilities of; to pierce.
                   Sarcasm cuts to the quick.
     49. v.          To castrate or geld.
                   to cut a horse
     50. v.          To interfere, as a horse; to strike one foot against the opposite foot or ankle in using the legs.
     51. v. (intransitive) To admit of incision or severance; to yield to a cutting instrument.
     52. v. (transitive, heading, social) To separate, remove, reject or reduce.
     53. v.          To separate from prior association; to remove a portion of a recording during editing.
                   Travis was cut from the team.
     54. v.          To abridge a piece of printed or written work.
     55. v.          To reduce, especially intentionally.
                   They're going to cut salaries by fifteen percent.
     56. v.          To absent oneself from (a class, an appointment, etc.).
                   I cut fifth period to hang out with Angela.
     57. v.          To ignore as a social snub.
                   After the incident at the dinner party, people started to cut him on the street.
     58. v. (intransitive, cinema, audio, usually as imperative) To cease recording activities.
           After the actors read their lines, the director yelled, "Cut!".
     59. v. (intransitive, cinema) To make an abrupt transition from one scene or image to another.
           The camera then cut to the woman on the front row who was clearly overcome and crying tears of joy.
     60. v. (transitive, film) To edit a film by selecting takes from original footage.
     61. v. (transitive, computing) To remove and place in memory for later use.
           Select the text, cut it, and then paste it in the other application.
     62. v. (intransitive) To enter a queue in the wrong place.
           One student kept trying to cut in front of the line.
     63. v. (intransitive) To intersect or cross in such a way as to divide in half or nearly so.
           This road cuts right through downtown.
     64. v. (transitive, cricket) To deflect (a bowled ball) to the off, with a chopping movement of the bat.
     65. v. (intransitive) To change direction suddenly.
           The football player cut to his left to evade a tackle.
     66. v. (transitive, intransitive) To divide a pack of playing cards into two.
           If you cut then I'll deal.
     67. v. (transitive, slang) To write.
           cut orders;  cut a check
     68. v. (transitive, slang) To dilute or adulterate a recreational drug.
português > inglês
     1. v. to cut (to split using a sharp instrument)
           Eu me cortei no espinhal. - I got cut in the thorn thicket.
           Corte a torta em sete pedaços. - Cut the pie into seven pieces.
     2. v.          to cut (to trim or fashion nails, hair, grass, or something similar)
                   A cabeleireira cortou meu cabelo mal. - The hairdresser cut my hair badly.
     3. v.          to fell; to cut down; to chop down (to drop a tree by cutting its trunk)
                   Preciso de uma licença para cortar essa imbuia. - I need a license to cut down this imbuia.
     4. v.          to cut (to be sharp enough to cut)
                   Essa espada é decorativa; não corta. - This sword is decorative; it doesn’t cut.
     5. v. to cut (to remove or reduce a supply or provision)
           Querem cortar os gastos rápido! - They want to cut the expenses fast!
           A companhia cortou a água do meu prédio porque eu não paguei a conta. - The company cut the water supply to my building because I didn’t pay the bill.
     6. v. to cross; to cut through (to have its course within)
           O rio Tejo corta Portugal. - The Tagus crosses Portugal.
     7. v. to cross; to intersect (to form an intersection with)
           Linhas paralelas nunca se cortam. - Parallel lines never cross one another.
           A estrada da minha casa corta a avenida. - The street of my house crosses the avenue.
     8. v. (computing, transitive) to cut (to erase data such that it is moved to the clipboard)
           Corte esse parágrafo e cole-o na última página. - Cut this paragraph and paste it in the last page.
     9. v. (card games, transitive, intransitive) to divide a recently shuffled deck into two sets
           Geralmente quem joga antes do distribuidor corta. - Usually, the person who plays before the dealer cuts the deck.
     10. v. to interrupt (to halt an ongoing process)
           Não conseguirei me explicar se você ficar me cortando. - I won’t be able to explain myself if you keep interrupting me.
     11. v. (sports) to intercept (to get the ball while it is being passed)
           Silva cortou a bola e correu para o gol. - Silva intercepted the ball and ran towards the goal.
     12. v. (driving, transitive, intransitive) to overtake and move in front of another vehicle suddenly
           Quase bati num motoqueiro que me cortou. - I almost hit a biker who moved in front of me.
     13. v. (indtr, para) to turn (to rotate and move to a perpendicular direction)
           Para chegar em Albuquerque, corte para a esquerda no segundo cruzamento. - In order to reach Albuquerque, turn left at the second crossroad.




I got my hair cut yesterday.
    Eu cortei o cabelo ontem.
Please don't cut me off like that.
    Por favor, não me interrompa desse jeito.
Have you ever cut your finger with a knife?
    Você já cortou o dedo com uma faca?
I hate getting my hair cut.
    Eu detesto cortar o cabelo.
You smoke far too much. You should cut back.
    Você fuma demais. Você deveria fumar menos.

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