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Palavra Inglês do Dia




inglês > português
     1. Adjetivo. único:
           He is the one man who can help you. (Ele é o único que pode ajudá-lo.)
     2. Advérbio. muito, bastante (enfatiza o adjetivo que acompanha):
           This is one big problem you'll have to solve. (Esse é um grande problema que você terá de resolver.)
     3. Numeral. um, número representado em algarismos arábicos por 1 e em algarismos romanos por I:
           There is only one person outside. (Só há uma pessoa lá fora.)
           Their baby is one year old. (O bebê deles tem um ano de idade.)
     4. Pronome. alguém, um, uma:
           Those manners of yours will eventually end up hurting one. (Esses seus modos ainda acabarão magoando alguém.)
     5. Pronome. algum, um, uma (qualquer):
           I swear this to you: one day I will leave this town. (Prometo-lhe isto: algum dia abandono esta cidade.)
     6. Pronome. o, a, aquele, aquela, aquilo (usado para evitar a repetição de um nome em uma frase):
           Do you see those girls? The one in the left is my brother's girlfriend. (Vês aquelas moças? Aquela da esquerda é a namorada do meu irmão.)
           I didn't quite like this green t-shirt; give me the white one. (Não gostei muito desta camiseta verde; dê-me a branca.)
     7. Pronome. as pessoas (geralmente é traduzido usando sujeito indeterminado)
           One shouldn't be too quick to judge. (Não se deve julgar com tanta rapidez.)
     8. Substantivo. um, o dígito ou número 1;
     9. Substantivo. indivíduo ou objeto representado pelo número um:
           one o'clock (uma hora)
     10. Substantivo. (Estados Unidos) (cor=navy) cédula de um dólar;
     11. Substantivo. (matemática) elemento neutro.
inglês > inglês
     1. num. (cardinal) The number represented by the Arabic numeral 1; the numerical value equal to that cardinal number.
           In some religions, there is only one god.
           In many cultures, a baby turns one year old a year after its birth.
           One person, one vote.
     2. num. (number theory) The first positive number in the set of natural numbers.
     3. num. (set theory) The cardinality of the smallest nonempty set.
     4. num. (mathematics) The ordinality of an element which has no predecessor, usually called first or number one.
     5. pron. (impersonal pronoun, indefinite) One thing (among a group of others); one member of a group.
           The big one looks good.  I want the green one.  A good driver is one who drives carefully.
     6. pron. (impersonal pronoun, sometimes with "the") The first mentioned of two things or people, as opposed to the other.
           She offered him an apple and an orange; he took one and left the other.
     7. pron. (indefinite personal pronoun) Any person (applying to people in general).
           One’s guilt may trouble one, but it is best not to let oneself be troubled by things which cannot be changed.  One shouldn’t be too quick to judge.
     8. pron. (pronoun) Any person, entity or thing.
           "driver", noun: one who drives.
     9. n. The digit or figure 1.
     10. n. (mathematics) The neutral element with respect to multiplication in a ring.
     11. n. (US) A one-dollar bill.
     12. n. (cricket) One run scored by hitting the ball and running between the wickets; a single.
     13. n. A joke or amusing anecdote.
     14. n. (colloquial) A particularly special or compatible person or thing.
     15. n. (Internet slang) Used instead of ! to amplify an exclamation, parodying unskilled typists who forget to press the shift key while typing exclamation points, thus typing "1".
           A: SUM1 Hl3p ME im alwyz L0ziN!!?!
             Someone help me; I'm always losing!
           B: y d0nt u just g0 away l0zer!!1!!one!!one!!eleven!!1!
             Why don't you just go away loser!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
     16. adj. Of a period of time, being particular.
           One day the prince set forth to kill the dragon that had brought terror to his father’s kingdom for centuries.
     17. adj. Being a single, unspecified thing; a; any.
           My aunt used to say, "One day is just like the other.".
     18. adj. Sole, only.
           He is the one man who can help you.
     19. adj. Whole, entire.
           Body and soul are not separate; they are one.
     20. adj. In agreement.
           We are one on the importance of learning.
     21. adj. The same.
           The two types look very different, but are one species.
     22. adj. Being a preeminent example.
           He is one hell of a guy.
     23. adj. Being an unknown person with the specified name; see also "a certain".
           The town records from 1843 showed the overnight incarceration of one “A. Lincoln”.
     24. v. (obsolete, transitive) To cause to become one; to gather into a single whole; to unite.
português > inglês
     1. num. one
           Uma xícara de café - One cup of coffee
     2. art. (indefinite) a, an
           Um carro, uma casa. - A car, a house.
     3. art.          (in the plural) some; a few (a small number of)
                   Uns carros, umas casas. - A few cars, a few houses.
     4. art.          (with unnouns) a bit of
                   Comi uma pipoca antes de dormir. - I ate a bit of popcorn before going to sleep.
     5. art.          (usually in the feminine, pronounced slowly, emphatically and with a high intonation) (indicates that what follows is exceptional); quite a; quite the
                   Ontem de noite caiu uma chuva. - We had quite a rain last night.
                   Estamos comendo um churrasco. - We are having the barbecue.
     6. n-m. the figure or digit "1": one
           O um parece o sete sem gravata no pescoço. - The one looks like the seven with no tie at its neck.
     7. pron. form of
     8. pron. a person; one; someone
           Chegou-me um e disse: "Olá!" - One came to me and said: "Hello!".
     9. pron. element(s) of a previously mentioned class: one; some (in plural)
           Comprei uns e me decepcionei. - I bought some and got disappointed.



Delirium of one person is called madness. Delirium of thousands of people is called religion.
    O desvario de uma pessoa chama-se loucura. A alienação de milhares de pessoas chama-se religião.
No one is going with me.
    Ninguém vai comigo.
No one was hit.
    Ninguém foi atingido.
No one was killed in the fire.
    Ninguém foi morto no incêndio.
Is there any space for one more person?
    Será que existe algum espaço para mais uma pessoa?

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