Palavra Inglês do Dia
inglês > português |
stone |
1. Advérbio. completamente |
2. Substantivo. pedra, rocha |
3. Substantivo. gema, pedra preciosa |
4. Substantivo. caroço (de fruta) |
5. Substantivo. peça (de jogo de tabuleiro) |
6. Verbo. apedrejar |
7. Verbo. intoxicar-se (com narcóticos) |
inglês > inglês |
stone |
1. n. A hard earthen substance that can form large rocks. |
2. n. A small piece of stone, a pebble. |
3. n. A gemstone, a jewel, especially a diamond. |
4. n. (UK, plural: stone) A unit of mass equal to 14 pounds. Used to measure the weights of people, animals, cheese, wool, etc. 1 stone ≈ 6.3503 kilograms |
5. n. (botany) The central part of some fruits, particularly drupes; consisting of the seed and a hard endocarp layer. |
a peach stone |
6. n. (medicine) A hard, stone-like deposit. |
kidney stone |
7. n. (board games) A playing piece made of any hard material, used in various board games such as backgammon, and go. |
8. n. A dull light grey or beige, like that of some stones. |
(color panel, 8A807C) |
9. n. (curling) A 42-pound, precisely shaped piece of granite with a handle attached, which is bowled down the ice. |
10. n. A monument to the dead; a gravestone or tombstone. |
11. n. (obsolete) A mirror, or its glass. |
12. n. (obsolete) A testicle. |
13. n. (dated, printing) A stand or table with a smooth, flat top of stone, commonly marble, on which to arrange the pages of a book, newspaper, etc. before printing; also called imposing stone. |
14. v. To pelt with stones, especially to kill by pelting with stones. |
She got stoned to death after they found her. |
15. v. To remove a stone from (fruit etc.). |
16. v. (intransitive) To form a stone during growth, with reference to fruit etc. |
17. v. (transitive, slang) To intoxicate, especially with narcotics. (Usually in passive) |
18. v. (intransitive, Singapore, slang) To do nothing, to stare blankly into space and not pay attention when relaxing or when bored. |
19. v. To lap with an abrasive stone to remove surface irregularities. |
20. adj. Constructed of stone. |
stone walls |
21. adj. Having the appearance of stone. |
stone pot |
22. adj. Of a dull light grey or beige, like that of some stones. |
She is one stone fox. |
23. adj. (LGBT) Willing to give sexual pleasure but not to receive it. |
stone butch; stone femme |
24. adv. As a stone (used with following adjective). |
My father is stone deaf. This soup is stone cold. |
25. adv. (slang) Absolutely, completely (used with following adjectives). |
I went stone crazy after she left. |
I said the medication made my vision temporarily blurry, it did not make me stone blind. |
The Styistics performed a love song titled "I'm Stone in Love with You". |
português > inglês |
pedra |
1. n-f. stone (as a material) |
2. n-f. stone, rock |
3. n-f. hailstone |
4. n-f. (medicine) deposit, calculus, stone |
5. n-f. (dentistry) tartar |
6. n-f. (slang) crack cocaine |

This stone has a hole in the center. Esta pedra tem um buraco no centro. The shop window was broken by a stone. A vitrine da loja foi quebrada por uma pedra. Who threw a stone at my dog? Quem jogou uma pedra no meu cachorro? I killed two birds with one stone. Eu matei dois passarinhos com uma pedra. The child threw a stone at the cat. A criança atirou uma pedra ao gato. |
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