The Korean word for bee is
Translations for bee and their definitions
벌 | |
1. n. any kind of bee, wasp, or hornet | |
2. n. (specifically) honey bee (Apis mellifera) | |
벌-에 쏘이다 - to be stung by a bee | |
3. n. punishment; penalty | |
4. n. a set/suit of clothes | |
5. n. field, plain (open area of land) |
비 | |
1. n. rain | |
어릴 적 나-는 비가 하늘-이 내려 주는 공짜 물-이라고 생각했다. - When I was young, I thought rain was free water from the sky. | |
밖-에 비가 와요. - Outside, rain is falling. | |
2. n. (dated) broom | |
방-을 비로 쓸다 - to sweep the room with a broom | |
3. n. gravestone; tombstone | |
4. n. stone engraved with memorial text | |
5. n. The Korean reading of the Latin alphabet letter b. |
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