The Korean word for falcon is
Translations for falcon and their definitions
매 | |
1. n. hawk | |
2. n. (specifically) the peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus) | |
3. n. whip, cane, rod (used for beating) | |
매-를 벌다 - to have earned a whipping | |
매-를 맞다 - to be beaten with a cane | |
4. n. (uncommon in isolation) millstone | |
5. det. every; each | |
매달 - every month | |
매해 - every year | |
매끼 - every meal | |
그-는 매 경기-마다 최선-을 다-하-면서 임-한다. - He does his best in every game. | |
6. adv. (tlb, now chiefly dialectal) | |
7. adv. carefully, with rapt attention | |
일-을 매 해라. - Do the work carefully. | |
8. adv. severely |
송골매 | |
1. n. peregrine falcon |
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