The Korean word for to hit is

Translations for to hit and their definitions
치다 | |
1. v. to hit, to beat, to strike, to slap, to pound | |
박수-를 치다 - to beat an applause | |
2. v. to strike, to attack (an enemy country or location) | |
적-의 후방-을 노려서 치다 - to tactically assault the enemy from the rear | |
3. v. (of a clock) to strike (an hour) | |
벽-에 걸린 시계-가 12시-를 쳤다. - 12/열두 | |
4. v. to run over (with a vehicle) | |
차-가 사람-을 치고 가버렸다. - A car hit a person and left. | |
5. v. to forge (e.g. a sword or sickle) | |
대장장이-가 칼-을 치고 있다. - A blacksmith is forging a sword. | |
6. v. to play (cards, drums, piano, guitar, keyboard, or certain sports involving hitting a ball (see usage notes)) | |
기타-를 치다 - to hit the guitar | |
테니스-를 치다 - to hit tennis | |
7. v. (of wind, rain, or snow in a storm) to blow/pour/snow | |
밖-에 눈보라-가 세차게 치고 있다. - A snowstorm is raging outside. | |
8. v. (of frost) to form (usually on plants) | |
된서리-가 쳐 농작물-이 상했다. - Crops were damaged from the heavy frost. | |
9. v. (of lightning) to strike; of thunder to thunder | |
천둥-이 우르르 쾅 하고 쳤다. - There was a roll of thunder. | |
10. v. (of waves, etc.) to form | |
바다-에 파도-가 심-하게 치고 있다. - The waves are high at sea. | |
11. v. to swing; to shake: | |
12. v. to wag (a tail); to flap (gloss, wings) | |
개-가 꼬리-를 살랑살랑 치며 반겼다. - Gently wagging its tail, a dog greeted me. | |
새-가 날개-를 파닥파닥 쳐 날아갔다. - Fluttering its wings, a bird flew away. | |
13. v. (Used as a dummy verb for certain nouns related to shaking or trembling) | |
진저리-를 치다 - to shudder (from disgust, etc.) | |
비행기 기체-가 심-하게 요동-을 친다. - The fuselage of the plane rolls and pitches heavily. | |
14. v. (Used in 헤엄치다) | |
15. v. to type (e.g. on a keyboard) | |
타자-를 치다 - to hit a typing | |
16. v. to send, to wire (a telegram) | |
전보-를 치다 - to type a telegram | |
17. v. to radio (message, etc.) | |
무전-을 치다 - to type a radio message | |
18. v. to cut/slice a part/piece: | |
19. v. to trim, to prune (branches or leaves) | |
나무-의 잔가지-를 치다 - to lop off twigs from a tree | |
20. v. to cut, to shear (hair) | |
머리-를 짧게 치다 - to cut one's hair short | |
21. v. (often with 채#strip) to cut, to shred (vegetables or fruits into strips) | |
무-를 채-를 치다 - to shred white radish into thin strips | |
22. v. to slice (raw fish (회#膾)) | |
회-를 치다 - to slice raw fish | |
23. v. Used as a dummy verb for certain nouns related to sound | |
아우성-을 치다 - to raise a clamour | |
산 정상-에 올라서 고함-을 실컷 쳤다. - Having climbed to the top of the mountain, I screamed to my heart's content. | |
24. v. to take (a test, etc.) | |
(synonyms, 보다) | |
시험-을 치다 - to take a test | |
25. v. to tell one's fortune | |
26. v. to stamp | |
도장/인-을 치다 - to stamp | |
27. v. Used as a dummy verb for certain nouns in various idiomatic usages | |
28. v. (Nouns meaning something bad or undesirable (e.g. a lie)) | |
사기-를 치다 - to commit fraud | |
거짓말-을 친 것-이 들통-이 났다. - The fact that he had told a lie was revealed. | |
29. v. (Nouns related to walking) | |
종종걸음-을 치다 - to walk with hasty steps | |
30. v. (Nouns related to laughter or smiling) | |
눈웃음-을 치다 - to wear a smile on one's eyes | |
31. v. to call (on the telephone) | |
(synonyms, 걸다hang, alt=걸다, q=Standard Korean) | |
32. v. to rear, to raise (animals) (especially livestock or poultry, but also bees or silkworms) | |
(synonyms, 기르다, 키우다) | |
33. v. (of animals) to bear, to breed (offsprings) | |
어미 개-가 새끼-를 쳤다. - The mother dog whelped. | |
34. v. (of plants) to spread, to shoot out (branches) | |
나무-가 가지-를 친다. - A tree spreads its branches. | |
35. v. to keep, to lodge (roomers or guests) | |
학생-들-을 하숙-을 치다 - to board students | |
36. v. to value; to consider | |
초보자 치고는 잘-하는데? - You do well for a beginner. | |
그-는 돈-을 최고-로 친다. - He values money above all things. | |
값-을 너무 낮게 친 거 같다. - I think we have set the price too low. | |
그렇다 치더라도 벌-이 너무 가혹-한 거 아니야? - All things considered, don't you think the punishment is quite harsh? | |
이 돈-은 원-으로 치면 얼마 정도-야? - How much would this be worth in wons? | |
37. v. to count, to include | |
너-까지 치면 다섯 명-이야. - Including you, it will be five people. | |
38. v. to assume, to suppose | |
네-가 갑자기 부자-가 됐-다고 치자, 그럼 처음-에 뭐 부터 할 거 같아? - Let's say you've suddenly become a rich person, what would be the first thing you do? | |
39. v. to draw, to cast, to put up (a net, shield, screen, curtain, etc.) | |
모기장-을 치다 - to put up a mosquito net | |
강-에 그물-을 치다 - to cast a net into a river | |
40. v. to install (a wall, fence, barrier, etc.) | |
울타리-를 치다 - to install fences | |
41. v. to pitch, to set up (camp, a tent, etc.) | |
진-을 치다 - to set up camp | |
42. v. to clear, to clean, to remove (by sweeping or scooping) | |
눈-을 치다 - to shovel snow | |
쓰레기-를 치다 - to clear away garbage | |
43. v. to dredge, to dig out (a ditch or waterway) | |
논-을 치다 - to make rice paddies | |
도랑-을 치다 - to dredge a ditch |
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