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The Korean word for watch is


Translations for watch and their definitions

     1. n. a timepiece
     2. n. (topics, ko, Clocks)

     1. v. to observe

     1. v. to see, look at
     2. v. to look after (a baby, child, house, etc.)
           아이-를 보다 - to look after a child
     3. v. to watch (a film, TV, etc.)
           영화-를 보다 - to watch a film
     4. v. to read (a book, newspaper, etc.)
     5. v. to examine (a document, patient, disorder, etc.)
     6. v. to take (an examination)
     7. v. to experience (a profit, loss, etc.)
     8. v. to relieve oneself
     9. v. to try something; requires a main verb with -아/어 suffix or use attributively with 적.
           한번 생각해 볼게요. - I will consider it. (Literally, I will try thinking about it.)
           한국-에 가 본 적-있어요? - Have you ever been to (South) Korea?
     10. adv. more
           보다 열심히 - more enthusiatically
     11. adv. rather
     12. part. than, rather than
           지리산보다 한라산이 더 높다. - Mount Halla is taller than Mount Jiri.
           어제보다 오늘이 손님이 더 많다. - There are more customers today than yesterday.

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