The Korean word for to whisper is
Translations for to whisper and their definitions
속삭이다 | |
1. v. to whisper, to murmur | |
사랑-을 속삭이다 - to whisper sweet nothings (in a girl's ear) | |
그 남자-와 여자-는 서로 사랑-을 속삭였다. - The man and woman whispered their love for each other. | |
두 사람-은 속삭이다가, 서로에게서 눈-을 떼지 못 하고 싱긋싱긋 웃더군요. - They were whispering, locking eyes, and grinning at each other. | |
반 학생-들-은 속삭이기 시작 했습니다. - Students in the class began to talk in a whisper. |
속삭임 | |
1. n. whisper, murmur |
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