Latin Word of the Day
Latin > English |
malum |
1. adj. singular of malus |
2. adj. masculine accusative singular of malus |
3. n. an evil, misfortune, calamity |
4. n. harm, injury |
5. interj. damn!, fuck!, alas!, misery! |
6. n. apple (fruit) |
7. n. the plant Aristolochia |
Example Sentences
Nec bonum nec malum est. It's neither good nor bad. Malum esse minime auditur. It doesn't sound bad at all. Hic malum est. This is bad. Si malum mihi dabis, Helena, omnibus ceteris mulieribus pulchrior, tua erit. If you give me the apple, Helen, more beautiful than all other women, will be yours. Hac in arbore cuique ramo malum est. On this tree, there is an apple on every branch. |
Review previous words
septuaginta quinque | clausura | malum | trames |
filia | truncus | triginta unus | flere |
dens | hodie | cadere | valles |
insula | quinque | quinquaginta quinque | longus |
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