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Latin Word of the Day




Latin > English
     1. num. la-num-noun, quattuor, indecl=1, type=card
     2. num. (cln, la, cardinal numbers) four; 4

Example Sentences

Quattuor annos matrimonio coniuncti sunt.
    They have been married for four years.
Hic liber in quattuor partes divisus est.
    This book is divided into four parts.
Quattuor homines erant en raeda, cum calamitas accidit.
    Four people were in the car when the accident happened.
Unus, duo, tres, quattuor, quinque, sex, septem, octo, novem, et decem sunt numeri.
    One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, and ten are numbers.
"Sed quando reddes?" "Quum descripsero contextum in tres quattuor praelectiones." "Matura igitur, ne incommodes meo studio." "Maturabo."
    "But when will you return?" "When I have written out my notes for three or four lessons." "Hurry, then so you don't get in the way of my studies." "I will hurry."

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