Norwegian Word of the Day
Norwegian > English |
tre |
1. n. tree |
2. n. wood |
Dette bordet er lagd av tre. - This table is made of wood. |
3. v. to step (in, out etc.), to tread |
(military) Tre av! - Dismissed! |
(legislation etc.) tre i kraft - come into effect, come into force |
4. v. to thread |
tre en nål - thread a needle |

Example Sentences
I fjor var han tre måneder på sjøen. Last year, he was at sea for three months. De stoppet tre minutter senere. They stopped three minutes later. Jeg har vært her i tre måneder. I've been here for three months. Gi meg tre av hver. I'll take three of each kind. Historien likner vals: den følger evig de tre trinnene krig, fred og revolusjon. History is like a waltz, eternally following the three steps of war, peace and revolution. |
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