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The Norwegian word for to walk is

to walk

Translations for to walk and their definitions

     1. v. To walk, go.
           OK, da kan dere gå hjem. - Ok, you're free to go home.
           Går du til skolen eller tar du bussen? - Do you walk to school or do you take the bus?
           Gå til fots. - Go on foot.
     2. v. To work (function), run, to be possible.
           Det gikk visst ikke så bra. - It didn't go too well.
           Det går ikke å fikse motoren. - I can't fix the engine.
           Motoren går fint. - The engine runs smoothly.
     3. v. To be alright, in order
           Går det bra med deg? - Are you alright?
           Går alt bra her? - Is everything alright here?
     4. v. To go with something.
           Hvilket slips går best med denne skjorten, synes du? - Which tie goes best with this shirt, do you think?
     5. v. Passing of time
           Etter som årene går. - As the years go by.
     6. v. Of electric power, to go out; of a light bulb or fuse, to blow.
           Strømmen er gått i hele nabolaget. - The power is out in the entire neighbourhood.
           Sikringen går hver gang jeg skrur på komfyren. - The fuse blows every time I turn on the stove.

     1. v. to amble, saunter, stroll, walk

     1. v. to walk (about), to stroll
           De vandret hånd i hånd. - They walked hand in hand.
           Han vandret gatelangs. - He strolled up and down the streets.
           I de dager da Jesus vandret på Jorden. - In the days when Jesus walked the Earth.
     2. v. roam, wander, constantly be on the move
           Han vandret gjennom landet. - He roamed the country.
           Hun vandret mot byen. - She wandered towards the town.
           Han lot tankene vandre. - He let his mind drift.
     3. v. migrate
           Med så høy fart kan de vandre tusenvis av kilometer. (translated from) - With such high speed they can migrate over thousands of kilometers. (from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atlantic_herring
     4. v. (euphemistic, idiomatic) to die, pass away
           Han vandret bort for fem år siden. - He passed away five years ago.

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