The Romanian word for bear is
Translations for bear and their definitions
suporta | |
1. v. to endure, to bear | |
2. v. to support | |
3. v. to stand | |
E atât de prost, îți jur că nu îl suport. - He's so stupid, I swear I can't stand him. |
urs | © | |
1. n-m. bear |
căra | |
1. v. to carry, bear, transport |
tolera | |
1. v. to tolerate |
ursoaică | |
1. n-f. she-bear |
duce | |
1. v. to carry, lead, take | |
Trebuie să fie duși copiii la școală. - The children must be taken to school. | |
2. v. to lead, to go | |
Drumul ăsta duce la casa mea. - This road leads to my house. | |
3. v. to go | |
Mă duc acasă. - I’m going home. | |
4. v. to die | |
5. v. to withstand, handle, weather, deal with | |
O să-ți dau de lucru de să nu poți duce. - I’ll give you so much to do that you won’t be able to handle it. | |
6. n-m. duke |
purta | |
1. v. to wear | |
2. v. to carry | |
3. v. to behave, comport or conduct oneself |
aduce | |
1. v. to bring | |
Ți-am adus ceva! - I've brought you something! |
se îndrepta | |
1. to bear, to head in a specific direction |
suferi | |
1. v. to suffer | |
2. v. to suffer, to endure | |
3. v. second-person singular present of suferi | |
4. v. indicative of suferi |
declara | |
1. v. to declare |
speculant | |
1. n-m. speculator |
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