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The Romanian word for child is


Translations for child and their definitions

     1. n-m. son
           Eu sunt fiul ei. - I’m her son.
           Au doi fii. - They have two sons.
           Astăzi e ziua de naștere a fiului meu. - Today is my son’s birthday.
     2. v. present subjunctive of fi
           O să fiu mai atent. - I will be more careful.

     1. n-f. daughter
           Eu sunt fiica lui. - I'm his daughter.
           Au două fiice. - They have two daughters.
           Astăzi e ziua de naștere a fiicei mele. - Today is my daughter's birthday.

copil ©
     1. n-m. child
           Am doi copii. - I have two children.

     1. n-f. female equivalent of copil

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