The Romanian word for minute is
Translations for minute and their definitions
minut | |
1. n-n. minute (unit of time) |
minuscul | |
1. adj. minuscule, minute |
mărunt | |
1. adj. very small, tiny, trifling, petty |
minuțios | |
1. adj. thorough | |
2. adj. scrupulous | |
3. adj. rigorous | |
4. adj. elaborate | |
5. adj. minute | |
6. adv. thoroughly | |
7. adv. scrupulously | |
8. adv. minutely |
amănunțit | |
1. adj. detailed, thorough, particular | |
2. adj. minute | |
3. adv. minutely | |
4. v. past participle of amănunți |
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