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Spanish Phrase of the Day

mientras tanto


Spanish > English
mientras tanto
     1. adv. in the meantime, meanwhile
           Mientras tanto, los trabajadores instalaron barricadas. - Meanwhile, the workers installed barricades.
     1. adv. meanwhile
     2. conj. (with the indicative) while, whilst, as (at the same time as)
           Quédate aquí con los chicos mientras hablo con la gerente. - Stay here with the kids while I talk with the manager.
     3. conj. (with the subjunctive) as long as, so long as (expressing a condition)
           Mientras llueva, me quedaré en casa. - As long as it rains, I'll stay at home.
     1. det. so much, as much, that much
     2. det. (in the plural) so many, as many, that many
     3. adv. so much, long, hard, often, etc.
           Te amo tanto. - I love you so much.
           De tanto hacerlo, se me irrita. - It gets irritated because I do it so much/so often.

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