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Spanish Phrase of the Day

romper el hielo


Spanish > English
romper el hielo
     1. v. to break the ice
     1. v. to break
           romper el hechizo - break the spell
           se me ha roto el móvil - my mobile phone broke
           Rómpase la cabeza con ilusiones ópticas. - Rack your brain with optical illusions.
     2. v. to break up, terminate (a relationship, friendship etc.)
     1. art. (masculine singular definite article); the
     2. art. feminine singular definite article used before nouns which start with a stressed 'a':
           el alma, las almas - the soul, the souls
           el hacha, las hachas - the axe, the axes
     1. n-m. ice
     2. v. first-person singular present indicative of helar
          1. v. to freeze, to cool
          2. v. to freeze

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