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Swedish Word of the Day



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Swedish > English
     1. v. shall, will, be going to; used in the present tense (ska or skall) with a main verb in the infinitive to give the future tense, mostly intended future, or used in the past tense (skulle) with a main v
           Jag ska äta - I'm going to (shall) eat
           Om jag hade en pizza så skulle jag äta den - If I had a pizza, I would eat it
           Jag skulle just äta pizzan när svanen attackerade - I was just going to eat the pizza when the swan attacked
           Jag skulle inte ha ätit två pizzor - I shouldn't have eaten two pizzas (can also be expressed with borde)
     2. v.          (ng, Used to make a phrase polite(r). How impolite (if at all) each less polite example is depends on familiarity and context, like in English.)
                   Kan du skjutsa mig till stan? - Can you give me a ride to town?
                   Skulle du kunna skjutsa mig till stan? - Could you ("would you be able to") give me a ride to town?
                   Jag vill ha en kaka - I want a cookie
                   Jag skulle vilja ha en kaka - I would like (to have) ("would want to have" – idiomatic) a cookie
                   Vi skulle vilja betala - We would like to pay
                   Jag ska ha den där - Give me that one ("I shall have that one")
                   Jag skulle vilja ha den där - I would like to have that one
                   Kan du flytta bilen lite så att vi får plats? - Can you move your car a bit to make room for us?
                   Skulle du kunna flytta bilen lite så att vi får plats? - Could you move your car a bit to make room for us?
                   Skulle du kunna tänka dig att flytta bilen lite så att vi får plats? - Would you be willing (would you consider, "would you be able to imagine yo
                   Ska det vara en kaka till? - Would you like ("shall it be") another cookie? (dated)
     3. n-c. a school
     4. v. to school, teach



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