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The Swedish word for band is


a banden band
the bandbandet
the bandsbanden

Translations for band and their definitions

     1. n. a band, a ribbon, a tape; a strip of material
     2. n. a band, an ensemble, an orchestra; group of musicians
     3. n. a band, a gang; band of robbers
     4. n. (physics) a band; a part of radio spectrum
     5. n. (physics) a band; a group of energy levels
     6. n. an audio tape or a video tape
     7. n. a cassette of audio or video tape
     8. n. a tie, a connection, a relation; from a person to another person or to a place
     9. v. past tense of binda

     1. band, a strip of material wrapped around things to hold them together

     1. v. past participle of sno

     1. n. thin cord or string

     1. n. a compress
     2. n. a sanitary napkin
     3. v. to bind; to put together in a cover
     4. v. to bind; to compel
           En bindande ed
             A binding oath
     5. v. to tie; to fasten with ropes or strings

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