hus |
1. n-n. a house; a building where people live or work | |
ett prydligt, med vackra portaler utsiradt hus | |
a neat building decorated with beautiful portals | |
2. n-n. a house, a home, a household | |
3. n-n. a house, a (royal) family | |
Huset Bernadotte har regerat Sverige sedan 1818 | |
The house of Bernadotte has ruled Sweden since 1818 | |
4. n-n. a house, a firm, a company, an institution, a restaurant, a place, a theatre, a chamber of parliament; even when it is not a building of its own | |
huset bjuder | |
it's on the house | |
det var fullt hus på premiären | |
the opening night was sold out | |
Var håller du hus? | |
Where are you? | |
husets talman | |
speaker of the house (of representatives) | |
5. n-n. (astrology) a house, a section of the zodiac | |
6. n-n. a case, a cover, a box, a housing, a casing | |
skruva loss huset och kolla åt vilket håll termostaten sitter | |
unscrew and remove the casing to find out which way the thermostat is oriented | |
7. n-c. beluga (Huso huso) | |