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The Swedish word for dirty is


Translations for dirty and their definitions

     1. v. (often with ner) to stain (usually so as to make dirty)
           Jag fläckade ner tröjan - I stained my shirt
     2. v. (often with ner, figuratively) to tarnish
           Skandalen hade fläckat ner han rykte - The scandal had tarnished his reputation

     1. adj. unclean, impure, dirty
     2. n. noun form of or, , def, p

     1. adj. dirty (covered with or containing dirt)

     1. adj. singular definite of oren
     2. adj. plural of oren

smutsa ner
     1. v. See smutsa.

     1. adj. dirty (covered with or containing dirt)

skita ner
     1. v. (colloquial mildly vulgar often reflexive) to make dirty, to soil
     2. v. (colloquial vulgar reflexive) to shit (oneself, i.e. shit one's pants)

     1. adj. lacking valid (legal or moral) justification; illegitimate, unlawful, undue, unjustified, etc.
           De nya reglerna ger vissa spelare en orättmätig fördel - The new rules give some players an undue advantage
           orättmätigt frihetsberövande - unjustified detention

     1. adj. offensively foul; gross
           Det är snuskigt att aldrig duscha - Never showering is gross
     2. adj. sexually vulgar; dirty
           Sexscenen i filmen kändes bara snuskig - The sex scene in the movie just felt dirty

     1. adj. cloudy, murky, turbid, muddy, obscure

     1. adj. ugly; of displeasing appearance
           Det var den fulaste unge jag någonsin sett. - That's the ugliest kid I've ever seen.
     2. adj. dirty, bad; something contradictory to norms and rules
           Larsson gjorde en riktigt ful tackling. - Larsson pulled off a really dirty tackle.
     3. adj. prefix indicating a state of low or poor quality: an ironic opposite of fin.

     1. adj. singular indefinite of ful

     1. adj. syn of oschysst

     1. adj. singular indefinite of smutsig

     1. adj. not nice-looking; untidy, dirty, unkempt, etc.
           Jag kände mig rätt osnygg när jag raglade hem dagen efter med rufsigt hår och fläckar på skjortan - I felt pretty unattractive when I staggered home the day after with messy hair and stains on
     2. adj. not nice-looking (in a non-visual sense); dirty, tactless, ugly, a bad look, etc.
           Jäkligt osnyggt när hon avbryter de andra partiledaren hela tiden - Really not a good look when she keeps constantly interrupting the other party leaders

     1. adj. singular indefinite of osnygg

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