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Translations for fast and their definitions

snabb ©
     1. adj. fast, quick
     2. adj. (electricity, electronics) fast, fast-blow (of a fuse)

     1. n-c. fast (period of time when one abstains from or eats very little food)

     1. adj. singular definite of fast
     2. adj. plural of fast
     3. n-c. a period of fasting, lent
     4. v. to fast

     1. adj. quick, fast
     2. adj. witty

fast ©
     1. adj. caught (unable to move freely), captured
           Bankrånaren är nu fast. - The bank robber has now been caught (by the police).
     2. adj. fixed, fastened, unmoving
           Ge mig en fast punkt, och jag skall flytta världen. - Give me one fixed spot, and I'll move the world.
     3. adj. firm, solid (as opposed to liquid)
           Den är för vattnig. Jag önskar att den hade en fastare konsistens. - It's too watery. I wish it had a firmer consistency.
           fasta tillståndets fysik - solid state physics
     4. adj. although (short form of fastän)
           Det gick bra, fast de inte hade övat i förväg. - It went well, although they hadn't practiced in advance.
     5. adv. fixed, firmly, steadily (synonymous to the adjective)
           att sitta fast - to be stuck
           att sätta fast - to attach
     6. adv. (obsolete) almost, nearly
           och hade bedrifvit underslef af fast otrolig omfattning - and had committed embezzlement of an almost unbelievable extent.
     7. conj. although, even though
           Farsan löper också bra, fast inte lika fort. - Dad also runs well, although not as fast.

före ©
     1. prep. in front of; ahead of
     2. prep. before; earlier in time than
     3. n-n. ground surface conditions for skiing and sleigh transport, depending on temperature and crystal structure of the snow or ice
           På morgonen är stark kyla, alltså gott före, men fortfarande dimma. - In the morning it was very cold, so there were good driving conditions, but it was still foggy.

     1. adj. deep; which has a large depth
     2. adj. profound
     3. adj. (about a voice) deep; low in frequency
     4. n-n. depth; height below a surface
     5. n-n. depth; distance between front and back
     6. n-n. depth; intensity
     7. n-n. an area of the sea which is significantly deeper than the surrounding area

     1. adj. singular indefinite of djup
     2. adv. deeply
     3. adv. profoundly
     4. adv. fast (of sleeping: deeply or soundly)

     1. adj. fast (of a dye: not running or fading)

     1. adv. quickly/quick, fast
     2. n-n. a fort

     1. adj. singular indefinite of kvick
     2. adv. fast (within a short time)
     3. adv. quickly
     4. adv. poignantly; as in, a poignantly given reply

     1. Participle. past participle of fästa
     2. adj. fast (firmly or securely fixed in place)
     3. v. of fästa
     4. v. imperative of fästa

     1. adj. singular indefinite of snabb
     2. adv. quickly; in a fast manner

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