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Translations for field and their definitions

fält ©
     1. n-n. a field, a (physical) area, an open space in a landscape (for farming or battle)
           soldat i fält - a soldier in the field
     2. n-n. (mathematics, physics) a field (of vectors, of forces)
     3. n-n. a field (of interest), an area, a topic, a sphere (region of activity)
     4. n-n. (programming) array, a data structure designed to hold multiple elements

     1. adj. plane (flat)
           en plan yta - a flat surface
     2. adj. plane (level)
           Kulan rullar, så golvet är inte helt plant - The marble rolls, so the floor isn't completely level
     3. n-n. (mathematics) a plane; flat surface.
     4. n-n. an airplane / aeroplane
     5. n-n. a plane; level of existence
           astralplan - astral plane
     6. n-c. a plan (planned actions)
           Jag har en plan - I have a plan
     7. n-c. a delimited, relatively level and flat area (like a delimited plane) (often used for sports, but also more general); a field, a rink, a yard, etc.
           Fotbollsspelarna sprang ut på planen - The soccer players ran out onto the field
           ishockeyplan - ice hockey rink (also called a rink)
           gårdsplan - courtyard
     8. n-c. a plan (drawing outlining a building, apartment, or the like, often more or less map-like)

åker ©
     1. n-c. field; a wide, open space that is used to grow crops
     2. v. present indicative of åka

ställa upp
     1. v. to place upright up somewhere
           Han ställde upp stolen på vinden - He put the chair in the attic ("Han ställde stolen på vinden" is equivalent)
     2. v. to list, to arrange, to chart, to organize (information)
     3. v. to present, to put forward (conditions, requirements, an ultimatum)
     4. v. to line up (people)
           De ställde upp sig framför slottet - They lined up in front of the castle
     5. v. (of a door or similar) to open and keep open, to prop open
           Hon ställde upp dörren för att vädra rummet - She propped open the door to air the room
     6. v. to participate (in a competition or the like)
           Hon kommer ställa upp i loppet - She will participate in the race
           Han kommer inte ställa upp i valet - He won't run in the election
     7. v. to willingly help out with some effort, problem, or the like
           Vi behöver hjälp med att knuffa bilen. Någon som ställer upp? - We need help pushing the car. Anyone willing to give us a hand? / Any volunteers?
           Schysst att du alltid ställer upp för mig! - Nice of you to always be there for me!
           en reko kille som alltid ställer upp när det krisar - a good guy who always helps out/is there for you when there's trouble
     8. v.          to accept (be willing to go along with)
                   Jag ställer inte upp på nakenscener - I don't/won't do nude scenes

kropp ©
     1. n-c. body
     2. n-c. (mathematics) field

ta emot
     1. v. to receive (a thing or guests), to accept
           Hon tog emot en medalj av kungen - She received a medal from the king
           Förslaget togs emot väl - The proposal was well received
           Hon tog emot gästerna i köket - She received the guests in the kitchen
           Han vägrade ta emot deras gåvor - He refused to accept their gifts
           Tog du emot pengarna? - Did you accept the money?
     2. v. to feel painful, difficult
           Det tar emot att erkänna, men de hade rätt - It's hard to admit, but they were right

     1. n-n. battlefield

     1. n-n. a sphere (region of activity)
     2. n-n. a (geometric) area
     3. n-n. an area (of expertise)

     1. v. to reply

     1. n-c. a deposit (of some valuable natural resource, like ore or gas)
     2. n-c. wittiness
     3. n-c. a repartee
     4. n-c. resourcefulness, cleverness

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