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Translations for fine and their definitions

     1. v. issue a fine

fin ©
     1. adj. fine, elegant, fancy
     2. adj. good, excellent
     3. adj. thin
     4. adj. subtle

     1. n-c. fine (penalty in money)
     2. n-c. cure; remedy
     3. n-c. (religious) penance
     4. n-c. bot (robot)

     1. Participle. present participle of framstå
     2. adj. prominent

     1. adj. sweet, lovely; generally very pleasant

     1. adj. fine, mighty, splendid
           en präktig summa - a mighty sum
     2. adj. (of a person) good, upstanding, wholesome
     3. adj. (derogatory, by ironic extension) goody two-shoes
           Usch vad präktig hon är - Ugh, she's such a goody two-shoes

     1. adj. skilled, skillful; having, or showing, great skills in something

     1. Participle. past participle of märka ut
     2. Participle. past participle of utmärka
     3. adj. excellent
     4. adv. excellently
     5. interj. excellent!, perfect!
     6. v. of utmärka
     7. v. of märka ut

     1. adj. exquisite
     2. adj. (food) delicious

     1. n-c. a feint (movement made to confuse an opponent, something feigned to confuse someone)
     2. adj. singular indefinite of fin

     1. adv. OK, okay
     2. adj. OK, okay
     3. interj. OK, okay
     4. n-n. yoke; a wooden bar used to connect two oxen by their shoulders
     5. n-n. yoke; a wooden bar to be placed over one's shoulders, and used to carry buckets
     6. n-n. heavy burden
     7. n-n. yoke; the part of a shirt draped over the wearer's shoulders
     8. conj. Alternative form of och
     9. adv. Alternative form of ock

bra ©
     1. adj. good (having pleasing or suitable qualities)
           en bra film - a good movie
           – Ska vi måla den blå? – Ja, det blir bra. - – Should we paint it blue? – Yeah, that'll be good.
           Han är bra på tennis - He is good at tennis
           Hon är en bra människa - She is a (morally) good person (see the usage notes below)
     2. adj. healthy or recovered (from an illness or injury or the like), well
           Jag är inte riktigt bra i benet än - My leg hasn't quite recovered yet ("I'm not quite well in the leg yet")
           – Känner du dig bättre idag? – Ja, men inte helt bra. - – Are you feeling better today? – Yeah, but not completely well.
     3. adj. quite large in extent or degree, good, goodly
           Det här kommer ta ett bra tag - This is going to take a good while
           Det är en bra bit att åka - It's quite a distance to drive
           De tjänade en bra slant - They made a pretty penny ("made a sizable coin," "tjäna en slant" is idiomatic)
     4. adv. well
           Mår du bra? - Are you feeling well? / Are you okay?
           Han spelade bra idag - He played well today
     5. adv. a good deal, quite (to quite a large extent or degree)
           Rattfylla är bra mycket vanligare bland män - Drunk driving is a good deal more common among men
           Den där älgen är bra stor! - That moose is quite the big one!
           Filmen var bra kass - The movie was quite the stinker
           bra dålig - substantially bad (literally also "good bad")

     1. adj. fine, beautiful
           se vad vår gran är grann, det är det grannaste granen i stan
             see how fine our Christmas tree is, it's the finest spruce in town
     2. n-n. a colloquial variant of grand, used in the adverb litegrann, also written lite grann and litet grand

     1. adj. fine-grained (consisting of fine particles)

     1. adj. neat (tidy, orderly)

liten ©
     1. adj. small, little; of small size
           Men så små hennes händer är! - Look how small her hands are!
           Varför ger du mig alltid den minsta biten? - Why do you always give me the smallest piece?
     2. adj. (figuratively) young, as a child.
           ett litet barn - a little child
     3. adj. (writing, not comparable) small, lowercase
     4. n. noun form of lit, , def, s

     1. adj. handsome, elegant, stylish (good-looking and/or well-dressed/well-groomed, of men as well as women, but more often of men when referencing physical attractiveness)
           en stilig karl - a handsome man
           Hon var nyklippt och stilig - She had a fresh haircut and was looking good
     2. adj. nice(-looking), elegant, stylish (more generally)
           vara stiligt klädd - be smartly dressed
           en stilig byggnad - a nice-looking building
           en stilig passning - an elegant pass

     1. adj. small and pretty
     2. adj. (by ironic extension) large
           en nätt summa pengar - a large sum of money (often)
     3. adv. barely (enough)

     1. adj. grand, magnificent, stately
           ett ståtligt palats - a magnificent palace
     2. adj. (of a person or animal, usually male) well-built, tall, handsome

     1. adj. not wide, narrow
           att gå den smala vägen - to walk the narrow road
     2. adj. slim, slender, thin (of a person or body part, fairly neutral in itself)

vacker ©
     1. adj. beautiful
     2. adj. pretty, handsome (of an amount or the like)

     1. adj. small, thin, tender, delicate
     2. adj. young
     3. v. imperative of späda

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