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Translations for fire and their definitions

     1. v. to fire someone from an employment, dismiss without notice

skjuta ©
     1. v. to shoot; to fire with a weapon
           (synonyms, avfyra)
           Det är inte bara att skjuta, du måste träffa också. - It is not only to shoot, you need to hit too.
     2. v. to hit with a projectile from a weapon
           (synonyms, träffa)
           Han blev skjuten i armen. - He got shot in the arm.
     3. v. (sports) to kick, throw, or hit a ball or similar with considerable force; in order to attempt to score a goal in a sport such as soccer, football, hockey or similar.
           (synonyms, sparka, slå)
           Han sköt bollen i mål! - He shot the ball into the goal!
     4. v. to push on an object in order to move it; to shove
           Hon sköt lådan framför sig. - She pushed the box in front of her.
     5. v. to move something into the future
           (synonyms, senarelägga)
           Jag tycker vi skjuter på schemat 30 minuter. - I think we push the schedule 30 minutes.
     6. v. to protrude, to extend (like a shoot)
           Hon snubblade på en gren sköt ut från buskaget. - She fell on a branch that protruded from the bushes.
     7. v. skyrocket, to increase with accelerating speed
           Börsen sköt i höjden. - The stockmarket shoot into the sky/height.
     8. v. (colloquial) to scan a barcode or similar
           (synonyms, skanna, läsa av)
           Glöm inte skjuta mjölken. - Do not forget to scan the milk.
     9. v. (slang) inject oneself with a syringe (often illegal narcotics)
           En väktare såg henne skjuta heroin. - A security guard saw her shooting heroin.

eld ©
     1. n-c. fire, a continued chemical exothermic reaction where a gaseous material reacts, and which creates enough heat to evaporate more combustible material
     2. n-c. something set up as to burn, such as a campfire or a bonfire
     3. n-c. (alchemy) fire; one of the classical, or basic, elements
     4. n-c. fire; the in-flight projectiles from a gun or similar

     1. n-c. accidental, uncontrollable fire, conflagration

     1. v. fire (heat (pottery, etc.))
     2. v. to overheat food; to heat the food until it is blackened.
           Jag råkade bränna hamburgarna. Vill du ha dem ändå? - I accidentally burned the hamburgers. Do you want them anyway?
     3. v. burn
     4. v.          to set fire to
     5. v.          to injure by heat or caustic chemicals
     6. v.          to record on a read-only medium
     7. v. to hurt oneself by touching a hot object
           Se upp så att du inte bränner dig på plåten! - Be careful so that you don't burn yourself on the tray!
     8. v. to get badly sunburned
     9. v. to get stung by nettles or similar
     10. v. to hurt; as of a sunburn
     11. v. to produce liquor (especially illegally)
     12. v. to produce calcium oxide (burnt lime) from calcium carbonate through heating

spis ©
     1. n-c. stove; cooker
           Smaklig spis. - Have a tasteful meal.

     1. v. to fire (a gun, a bullet, a piece of fireworks, a rocket, etc.)
           avfyra en pistol - fire a gun
           avfyra tio skott - fire ten bullets
           avfyra en fyrverkeripjäs - fire a piece of fireworks
     2. v.          to launch (a torpedo, etc.)
                   avfyra en torped - launch/fire a torpedo

     1. n-c. a small, controlled fire used for warmth

     1. n-c. an oven (chamber used for baking or heating)
     2. n-c. a furnace (for industrial use or the like)

     1. n-c. shelling (the act or state of being fired upon)

ge eld
     1. v. fire (shoot a weapon), give fire

     1. n-n. pyre, bonfire
     2. n-c. (botany) bole; the trunk or stem of a tree
     3. n-c. (anatomy) the front part of the torso
     4. n-c. a fruity, not so strong alcoholic drink
     5. n-c. a wide bowl used to serve the above mentioned drink

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