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The Swedish word for hard is


Translations for hard and their definitions

hård ©
     1. adj. hard; inflexible; rigid; unbending
     2. adj. hard; resistant to pressure
     3. adj. hard; demanding a lot of effort to endure
     4. adj. (about water) hard; high in dissolved calcium compounds
     5. adj. (about a person) severe; strict; unfriendly
     6. adj. (slang) hard; sexually aroused
     7. adj. (of weather) severe; very bad or intense
     8. adj. with strength; forceful

     1. adj. hard; difficult
           Hur svårt kan det vara? - How hard can it be?
           Pierre Fermat gav en svår uppgift åt världens matematiker i och med sin berömda marginalanteckning. - Pierre Fermat set a difficult task for the mathematicians of the world by his famous note i
     2. adj. (of a person) troublesome and of bad temper; difficult to deal with
     3. adj. severe; intense; of great importance

     1. adj. difficult, troublesome (of a problem or person or the like)
           ett besvärligt problem - a difficult problem (to deal with)
           en besvärlig situation - a difficult situation
           Han är besvärlig - He's troublesome (to deal with)

     1. adj. indisputable, undeniable, incontestable, incontrovertible

stark ©
     1. adj. strong; able to use great force
     2. adj. strong; capable of withstanding great physical force
     3. adj. strong; highly stimulating to the senses
           starkt ljus
             strong light
     4. adj. (taste) spicy, hot; with a biting taste
           Den maten är för stark för mig.
             That food is too hot for me.
     5. adj. strong; having a high concentration of an essential; possibly alcohol
           starkt kaffe
             strong coffee
     6. adj. (grammar) strong
     7. adj. (military) strong; not easily subdued or taken

sträng ©
     1. adj. strict, stern
           en sträng lärare - a strict teacher
     2. adj. strict (highly regulated)
           en sträng diet - a strict diet
     3. adj. severe
           sträng kyla - severe cold
     4. n-c. string

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