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The Swedish word for to hold is

to hold

Translations for to hold and their definitions

     1. hold (cargo area)

hålla ©
     1. v. to hold (grasp or grip)
           Håll pennan så här - Hold the pencil like this
           Han höll fast i hans arm - He held on to his arm
     2. v. to hold (a social event, party, (larger) meeting, conference, or the like)
           Nästa års konferens kommer hållas i Rotterdam - Next year's conference will be held in Rotterdam
           hålla bröllop - hold a wedding
     3. v. to keep, to hold (hold/maintain the status of something)
     4. v.          to hold (cause to wait)
                   Håll hissen! - Hold the elevator!
     5. v.          to keep (restrain)
                   hålla någon i en liten bur - keep someone in a small cage
     6. v.          to keep (a promise)
                   Jag kommer hålla mitt löfte - I will keep my promise
     7. v.          to last, to keep (not spoil)
                   Hur länge håller sig mjölk? - How long does milk last?
     8. v.          to stay (keep oneself in some location)
                   Han höll sig inomhus igår eftersom det var så kallt ute - He stayed indoors yesterday since the weather outside was so cold
     9. v.          to keep (maintain)
                   Håll temperaturen på en jämn nivå - Keep the temperature at an even level
     10. v.         # (in "hålla fast vid") to maintain (a position, opinion, or the like)
              #     hålla fast vid en ståndpunkt - stick to a position / hold on to a position
     11. v.          to keep (animals)
                   Han håller får och grisar - He keeps sheep and pigs
     12. v.          to hold (successfully defend)
                   hålla fortet - hold the fort
     13. v.          to stay intact (not break, tear, etc.), to hold
                   Vasen höll trots att den föll i golvet - The vase didn't break even though it fell to the floor

     1. hold (cargo area)

     1. v. to contain, to include
     2. v. to withhold (e.g. a payment)

     1. v. to reserve

     1. v. to be of an opinion, to think, to believe, to feel
           Sven anser att Beatles var riktigt bra - Sven thinks (is of the opinion) that the Beatles were really good
           Vi anser att den här metoden är mest lovande - We believe (are of the opinion that) this method is the most promising

     1. v. to hold (a certain volume of space)
           fem personer ryms i denna bil
             five people can fit in this car
     2. v. to escape, to run away

     1. v. to arrange, to organize (an event)

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