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The Swedish word for leg is


a legett ben
the legbenet
the legsbenen

Translations for leg and their definitions

ben ©
     1. n-n. (anatomy) leg; a body part
     2. n-n. leg; part of trousers which covers the legs
     3. n-n. the part of a piece furniture on which it stands
     4. n-n. (skeleton) bone; any of the components of an endoskeleton
     5. n-n. (skeleton) bone; the material of the endoskeleton

     1. n-c. a leg (stage of a journey, race, etc.)
           Vandringsleden består av 25 etapper - The hiking trail consists of 25 legs
     2. n-c. (figuratively) a stage (of a process or the like)

     1. n-c. a round (stage of some greater whole)
           Delarna köptes i tre omgångar - The parts were bought in three rounds
           finalomgång - final round
     2. n-c. a batch, a round
           Ta med en extra omgång kläder - Bring an extra set (batch, round) of clothes
     3. n-c. (colloquial) a beating or reprimand (a "round" or "batch" of beating or rebuke)
           ge någon en omgång - give someone a round (of criticism, beating, etc.)

     1. n-c. (geometry) cathetus

     1. adj. singular definite of rund
     2. adj. plural of rund
     3. n-c. a round, a tour, a walk
           jag bjuder på den här rundan
             this round is on me (I'm paying for the drinks)
           gå en runda med hunden
             take the dog for a walk
     4. v. to round, to make round
     5. v. to round, to pass, to go (or sail) around (something or someone)
           vi rundade Godahoppsudden igår - we rounded the Cape of Good Hope yesterday

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