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The Swedish word for man is


a manen man
the manmannen
the menmännen

Translations for man and their definitions

man ©
     1. n-m. man (adult male human)
           En man går på gatan. - A man walks on the street.
           Ungefär hundra män deltog i loppet. - Around one hundred men took part in the race.
           I äldre tider sa man att björnen ägde sju mans styrka men en mans vett. - In older times, they said the bear has the strength of seven men but the sense of one man.
     2. n-m. husband
           Vi går till caféet med våra män. - We go to the café with our husbands.
     3. n-m. a member of a crew, workforce or (military) troop
           Vi var sjuttio man som slet i gruvan. - We were seventy men who toiled in the mine.
     4. n-m. (slang) man (usually friendly term of address)
           Jalla, mannen! - Hurry up, man!
     5. pron. (indefinite) one, they; people in general
           så vitt man vet - as far as one knows
     6. n-c. mane (of a horse or lion)

     1. n-c. man (piece in board games)

     1. n-c. a human being
     2. n-c. a person, people; (as a count)
           Tre människor skadades i olyckan. - Three people were injured in the accident.
     3. n-c. (in plural) mankind
           Jag skulle ljuga, om jag sade, att jag älskar människorna. - I would be lying if I said that I love mankind.
     4. n-c. (in definate form) mankind, humankind, man as a species
           Att människan är ett djur kan ingen neka, ty hon har hjärta, hår, kött, ben och ådrar, genom vilka blod och vätskor drivas fram och åter. - Noone can deny that man is an animal, because she has
             (Carl Linneaus, modernized spelling)

     1. v. to man (to take up position in order to operate something)

     1. n-c. a piece, a play; theatrical performance
     2. n-c. an (artillery) piece, a canon
     3. n-c. a man (piece in board games)
     4. n-c. a (larger) object (especially a decorative one)

     1. n-c. Alternative form of människa (less common, informal, vernacular)

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