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The Swedish word for page is


a pageen sida
the pagesidan
the pagessidorna

Translations for page and their definitions

     1. Proper noun. acronym of , Styrelsen för Internationellt Utvecklingssamarbete, Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency
     2. n-c. side; a bounding straight edge or surface
           En kub har sex sidor. - A cube has six sides.
     3. n-c. side; a region in a specified position with respect to something.
     4. n-c. a particular cut of a slaughtered animal
     5. n-c. side; one group of competitors in a game or a war.
     6. n-c. page; one surface of a sheet of paper.
           Se sida 42. - See page 42.
     7. n-c. site; a website or internet site
     8. v. (sports) to seed (a player into a competition), more commonly seeda
           Hon har sidats in i första startledet och tilldelats startnummer 21. - She was seeded into the first line, starting as number 21.
     9. v. (colloquial) to side (with), to be allied with
           Det var inte så att britterna sidade med araberna. - It wasn't so that the Brits sided with the Arabs.

blad ©
     1. n-n. (botany) Blade, leaf; an organ of a plant.
     2. n-n. Leaf, sheet; a piece of paper (including a map sheet)
     3. n-n. Blade; the sharp-edged or pointed working end of a tool or utensil

     1. n-c. page, serving boy
     2. n-c. pageboy (hairstyle)

     1. v. (typesetting) To paginate; to number pages.

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