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The Swedish word for to point is

to point

Translations for to point and their definitions

     1. v. to direct, to aim

     1. n-c. a period, a full stop
     2. n-c. an item (on a list or an agenda)
     3. n-c. (typography) a point; size of a font
     4. n-c. (geometry) a point
     5. n-c. a point, a spot (small location, seen as a position)
     6. n-c. (figuratively) a point (in time)
           tidpunkt - tidpunkt
     7. n-c. a dot; one of the two symbols used in Morse code
     8. n-c. (finance) basis point, one hundredth of one percentage point
     9. interj. period

     1. n-c. point, tip, end, nib, head
     2. n-c. lace
           spets-bh - lace bra
     3. n-c. spitz (dog breed)

peka ©
     1. v. to point
           Han pekade på elefanten - He pointed at the elephant
           Han pekade mot huset - He pointed towards the house
           Det är fult att peka - It's rude to point

plats ©
     1. n-c. place; any geographical position a little larger than just a point, such as a village, city or just a "nowhere".
     2. n-c. a seat; such as in a bus or in a theater
           Ursäkta, är den här platsen upptagen? - Excuse me, but is this seat occupied?
     3. n-c. room; space
           Hur mycket plats behövs på hårddisken? - How much space is needed on the hard drive?
           För att lägga ett stort pussel behövs mycket plats - To lay a large jigsaw puzzle, you need a lot of space
     4. n-c. a position; such as allowing you to play in a (competing) sports team, or take a university course
           Den kurs jag helst ville gå hade bara tio platser - The course I'd preferred only allowed ten students
     5. n-c. a position in a ranking
           Han ligger på sjundeplats - He's in seventh place

     1. n-c. sharp point (of a knife or a pencil)

     1. v. to come; to move nearer, to arrive
           Låt den rätte komma in. - Let the right one come in.
           Tiden är kommen. - The time has come.
     2. v. (colloquial) to come (orgasm)
     3. n-n. comma; punctuation mark
     4. n-n. comma, decimal separator; (translated as "point" when reading out a number) *sex comma fem procent*, six point five per cent.

     1. n-n. a short(ish) line; a line, a dash
           att dra ett streck över något - draw a line under
           streck i debatten - end of discussion, no more questions or speakers admitted
           ett streck i räkningen - a miscalculation, an unforeseen obstacle
     2. n-n. a clothesline
     3. n-n. a mischievous act

     1. n-c. change (coins)
           har du någon växel? - have you got any change?
     2. n-c. a bill of exchange
           växeln förfaller på torsdag - the bill is due on Thursday
     3. n-c. a railroad switch
     4. n-c. a telephone switch or exchange
     5. n-c. a gear (in a car, on a bike etc.), a position of the gearstick
           första växeln - first gear
     6. n-c. (computer science) a switch statement
     7. n-c. (zoology) animal trail, such as of some rodents

     1. Proper noun. acronym of , Styrelsen för Internationellt Utvecklingssamarbete, Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency
     2. n-c. side; a bounding straight edge or surface
           En kub har sex sidor. - A cube has six sides.
     3. n-c. side; a region in a specified position with respect to something.
     4. n-c. a particular cut of a slaughtered animal
     5. n-c. side; one group of competitors in a game or a war.
     6. n-c. page; one surface of a sheet of paper.
           Se sida 42. - See page 42.
     7. n-c. site; a website or internet site
     8. v. (sports) to seed (a player into a competition), more commonly seeda
           Hon har sidats in i första startledet och tilldelats startnummer 21. - She was seeded into the first line, starting as number 21.
     9. v. (colloquial) to side (with), to be allied with
           Det var inte så att britterna sidade med araberna. - It wasn't so that the Brits sided with the Arabs.

tunga ©
     1. n-c. a tongue (organ)
     2. n-c. a tongue (flap in a shoe)
     3. n-c. a language, speech
           De skatter som förvärvas genom falsk tunga, de äro en försvinnande dunst och hasta till döden. - The getting of treasures by a lying tongue is a vanity tossed to and fro of them that seek death
     4. adj. singular definite of tung
     5. adj. plural of tung
     6. n-c.          a weight (for measuring weight with scales)
                    Tyskland var då tungan på den europeiska jämviktens vågskål
                   : Germany was then the weight in the pan of the European balance
     7. n-c.          a burden, a trouble
     8. n-c.          a duty, something one is forced to do or pay

     1. n-c. a point, a score
     2. n-c. a point, an argument (opinion which adds to the discussion)
     3. n-c. a point, a punch line (of a joke)
           Det stod en ko på ängen. Det var poängen.
             There stood a cow on the meadow. That's the point.

     1. adv. on the dot, exactly, sharp
           vi träffas prick klockan sju - we'll meet at seven o'clock sharp
     2. adv. with careful aim (in order to hit something)
           att skjuta prick - to shoot at a mark / snipe
           De sköt prick på en melon - They used a melon as a target ("They shot with careful aim at a melon")
     3. n-c. a dot, small spot
           Sista bokstaven i det svenska alfabetet är "ö", det vill säga ett "o" med två prickar över. - The last letter in the Swedish alphabet is "ö", that is, an "o" with two dots over it.
           att skjuta prick - to shoot for a target
     4. n-c. a mark, a stain (in a record of good behavior)
           Han har haft körkort i 40 år och kört utan prickar - He's had a driver's license for 40 years and has received zero driving infractions
     5. n-c. a guy, person; especially about a particularly nice or funny one
           Det var en riktigt trevlig prick, det där. - That was a really nice guy, there.
     6. n-c. a floating seamark in the form of a painted pole, possibly with cones, lights and reflectors
           Ser du om pricken därborta är en nord eller en ost? - Can you see whether the mark over there is a north mark or an east mark?

     1. n-c. A small peninsula, cape, promontory.

     1. n-c. a purpose, a point
           Vad är meningen med att göra så där? - What's the point of doing it like that?
           Meningen är att det gör saker bättre - The point is that it makes things better
           Vad är meningen med livet? - What's the purpose of life?
     2. n-c. a sentence, a grammatical phrase
           en lång mening med många ord - a long sentence with many words
     3. n-c. an (intended) meaning
           "konst" i ordets egentliga mening - "art" in the true sense of the word
           Det här är inte en bulle i strikt mening - This is not a bun in the strict sense
           Jag förstår inte meningen i orden - I don't understand what the words mean
     4. n-c. an opinion
           I min mening så har hon rätt - In my opinion, she's right
           förutfattade meningar - preconceived notions

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