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The Swedish word for right is


Translations for right and their definitions

höger ©
     1. adj. right (opposite of left; on the east side when facing north)
           gå genom höger dörr, genom högra dörren - walk through the right door
     2. adj. (politics) right-wing
     3. n-c. the right side
     4. n-c. (politics) The ensemble of right-wing political parties
     5. n-c. (sports) A player on the right side of the field in sports like soccer or hockey

     1. n-c. a right (something one is legally entitled to)

     1. n. noun form of höger, , def, s

     1. adj. singular indefinite of riktig
     2. adv. (not comparable) quite, really
           Teckningen blev riktigt bra.
             The drawing was really good.
     3. adv. correctly
           Det är riktigt gjort.
             That's done correctly.

     1. adj. right, correct
           För att få högsta betyg måste alla svar vara rätta. - To get the highest grade, all answers have to be correct.
           Låt den rätte komma in.
             Let the right one in.
     2. adv. rightly, correctly
     3. adv. rather, fairly, pretty
           Det går rätt bra faktiskt. - It's going pretty well actually.
     4. n-c. a dish; a specific type of prepared food
     5. n-c. law (the regulation of a community through enforceable rules, considered as a system or domain of study)
     6. n-c. a court; place where justice is administered, also the assembly which administers justice
     7. n-c. a right; something one is legally entitled to
     8. adj. rare singular indefinite of rädd

     1. adj. straight; unbent
     2. adj. straight; direct, frank
     3. adj. (internal combustion engines) straight

rätta ©
     1. adj. singular definite of rätt
     2. adj. plural of rätt
     3. v. to correct, to rectify
           rätta mig om jag har fel - correct me if I'm wrong
     4. v. to mark, to grade, to judge (whether the answers to a test were right or wrong)
           jag har 25 prov att rätta i kväll - I have 25 tests to mark tonight
     5. v. (sometimes with in) to direct, to align
     6. v. to conform, to comply (with rules or regulations or the like – "align oneself")
           Alla måste rätta sig efter reglerna - Everyone must comply with the rules

     1. adj. straight (not bent)
     2. adj. (of an angle) right
     3. adj. (of a stitch, not comparable) a knit stitch (as opposed to a purl stitch)
           räta maskor - knit stitches
     4. adj. (textiles, sewing, not comparable) related to the right side of a fabric

     1. adv. just; quite recently; only moments ago
     2. adv. just; only, simply
     3. adv. exactly, precisely
           just nu - right now
           Det var just vad jag ville ha! - That's just what I wanted!

     1. adj. (geometry) right, right-angled (having at least one right angle, of a polygon, especially a triangle or quadrilateral)
           en rätvinklig triangel - a right triangle

     1. n-c. (textiles, sewing, usually in the definite singular) right side
     2. v. to straighten (make straight(er))
           räta på ryggen - straighten one's back
           räta på sig - stand up straight ("straighten oneself out")
     3. adj. singular definite of rät
     4. adj. plural of rät

     1. adj. precise, made with great precision
     2. adv. precisely; exactly
     3. adv. (focus) precisely; Used to provide emphasis
     4. adv. just; by a narrow margin
     5. adv. just; moments ago
     6. adv. just; perfectly

     1. interj. sure
           – Har du tid att hjälpa mig lite snabbt? – Visst, inga problem! - – Do you have time to give me a quick hand? – Sure, no problem!
     2. adv. with certainty, certainly (often after someone has expressed doubt)
           Det är det visst det! - Yes it is!
     3. adv. apparently
           Det var visst butlern som gjorde det trots allt - Apparently, it was the butler who did it after all
     4. adj. singular indefinite of viss

     1. adj. right, correct, proper
     2. adj. real; true; not fictional
     3. adj. real; that is an exemplary or pungent instance of a class or type
     4. adj. real, genuine; not faked and not artificial
           Det är inte riktiga diamanter i halsbandet. - It's not real diamonds in the necklace.

eller hur
     1. Phrase. right; tag question used when the speaker expects agreement.
           Han är korkad, eller hur? - He is stupid, isn't he?
     2. interj. (colloquial) (Used to indicate agreement.)

     1. v. to correct (a minor error), to revise

     1. adj. (geometry) perpendicular, orthogonal (forming a right angle)
           Linje A är vinkelrät mot linje B - Line A is perpendicular to line B

räta upp
     1. v. to right (return to a normal, upright position)
           De lyckades räta upp skeppet - They managed to right the ship
     2. v. (figuratively) to straighten out, to sort out (a problematic situation or the like)

     1. adj. correct
     2. adv. correctly

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