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The Swedish word for rock is


a mountainett berg
the mountainberget
the mountainsbergen

Translations for rock and their definitions

     1. n-c. a swing (hanging seat or foothold)
     2. v. to swing (on a swing or the like)
     3. v. to rock, to sway (e.g. in a rocking chair, or of a person)

berg ©
     1. n-n. a mountain
           De besteg berget - They climbed the mountain
     2. n-n. rock, bedrock
           Man har borrat genom berget i jakt på rikedom - People have drilled through the rock in search in search of riches
           eld i berget! - warning cry that an explosive charge has been ignited in a mine
     3. n-n. a mountain, a very large heap or pile
           ett berg av papper - a mountain of paper

     1. Proper noun. given name, male, from=Old Norse
     2. n-c. a rock, a stone
           Han har en liten sten - He has a small stone
     3. n-c. A hard earthen substance that can form large rocks and boulders.

     1. n-c. a cradle; a bed for a baby that can be oscillating or swinging back and forth
     2. n-c. a cradle; the place where something has its origin
     3. v. to cradle, to rock (a baby to sleep)
     4. v. to rock, to move gently back and forth

     1. n-c. candy cane (an edible peppermint-flavored candy, usually in the shape of a staff)

rock ©
     1. n-c. a coat, an overcoat
     2. n-c. (music) rock, rock and roll

     1. n-c. rock (distinctive composition of minerals)

skaka ©
     1. v. to shake (physically or to disturb emotionally)
     2. v. to shake, to tremble

     1. n-n. (colloquial) crack cocaine

klippa ©
     1. n-c. a cliff, a rock (a cliff, or in an extended sense the entire rock formation having the cliff(s), similar to how "up on the cliff" makes sense for not being on the actual cliff in English)
           Segla mot klipporna där borta - Sail towards the rocks over there
     2. n-c. bedrock
     3. n-c. (figuratively) a rock (something strong, stable, and dependable, usually a person)
           Han är en klippa som alltid hjälper till när det är problem - He is a rock who always helps out when there's problems
           Så säger ock jag dig att du är Petrus; och på denna klippa skall jag bygga min församling - And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church (Matthew 16:
     4. v. to cut with scissors, shears, or the like (cut with two blades or the like in a snipping motion), to clip
           Han klippte av tråden med saxen - He cut the thread with the scissors
           Hon klippte ut bilden ur tidningen - She cut the image out of the newspaper
           klippa in en bild i en annan - insert one image (that has been cut out, with scissors or digitally) into another
           Den här saxen klipper dåligt - These scissors cut poorly
     5. v.          to cut someone's hair
                   Jag klippte henne(s hår) - I cut her hair (parenthesized part normally redundant)
                   klippa pottfrisyr på någon - give someone a bowl cut
     6. v.          to get a haircut (done by someone else or oneself)
                   Jag ska klippa mig imorgon - I'm getting a haircut tomorrow
                   Jag ska klippa pottfrisyr - I will get a bowl cut / I will give someone a bowl cut (ambiguous, though the first reading is more likely)
     7. v.          to shear (a sheep)
                   klippa ett får - shear a sheep
     8. v.          (figuratively) to cut (connections with someone or the like)
                   klippa alla band med någon - cut all ties with someone
     9. v.          (figuratively) to do a (repeated) scissors-like motion
                   Hästen klippte med öronen - The horse was flicking its ears
                   klippa med ögonen - blink repeatedly
     10. v. to mow (a lawn), to trim (a hedge), or the like (with any implement)
           Jag klipper gräset - I'm mowing the lawn
     11. v. to cut (cease recording activities)
     12. v. (film) to cut (edit a film)
           att klippa en film - to edit a movie
     13. v. (signal processing) to clip
     14. v. (computer graphics, video games) to clip
     15. v. (colloquial) to kill
           Klipp honom! - Kill him!
     16. v. (in "vara klippt") to no longer be any chance for a good outcome
           Får vakterna syn på oss så är det klippt - If the guards spot us, it's over

     1. n-c. a gem (precious stone)

     1. v. to heel, to careen
           Fartyget krängde åt babord - The ship heeled to port
     2. v. (often with a particle specifying a direction, like or av) to pull (something) over something (or the reverse), with some difficulty, with a wriggling motion or the like, usually of p
           Han krängde på sig våtdräkten - He squeezed himself into the wetsuit / wrangled into the wetsuit
           Hon krängde på sig ryggsäcken - She hoisted the backpack onto her back
           Han krängde av sig sin trikå - He peeled himself out of his tights
           kränga ett däck på en fälg - put a tire on a rim
     3. v. (slang) to sell
     4. v. (slang) to eat

     1. n-c. a smooth swinging or rocking back-and-forth motion
           försätta något i gungning - cause something to swing / rock ("bring something into swinging / rocking")
           båtens gungningar - the rocking motions of the ship

     1. rock

     1. v. shock (cause intense surprise or horror)

     1. n-c. an ice cube (or other small piece of ice, especially when used to cool something)

     1. n-c. ray (marine fish with a flat body, large wing-like fins, and a whip-like tail)
     2. v. to rock (be great)
     3. v. to rock (play, or listen to, rock music)

     1. adj. (dated) pure, clean
           ren och skär tur - pure luck (idiomatic – can also be expressed as "ren tur")
     2. adj. pink; having a color between red and white, sometimes with a hint of beige, as in the skin color of white people.
     3. n-n. a skerry, an island (especially a small rocky island)
     4. v. present indicative of skära
     5. v. imperative of skära

     1. n-c. (music) rock'n'roll

     1. n-c. the mineral diamond
     2. n-c. the gem stone diamond, whether cut or not

     1. Participle. present participle of vagga

     1. rock
     2. boulder

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