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Translations for sharp and their definitions

skarp ©
     1. adj. sharp, critical, cutting
     2. adj. sharp; able to cut easily
     3. adj. strong (about smells)
     4. adj. poignant, pungent; such as the smell of ammonia
     5. adj. (firearms) live (with lethal ammunition as opposed to blank rounds)
     6. adj. real-life, real (of a situation or the like)
           Vi trodde det var ett falskt alarm, men det visade sig vara skarpt läge - We thought it was a false alarm, but it tuned out to be real ("sharp situation")

     1. adj. sharp (able to cut easily)
     2. adj. (figuratively) sharp
           vass tunga - sharp tongue
     3. n-c. reed
     4. n-c. a clump of reeds
     5. n-c. reed bed

     1. adv. on the dot, exactly, sharp
           vi träffas prick klockan sju - we'll meet at seven o'clock sharp
     2. adv. with careful aim (in order to hit something)
           att skjuta prick - to shoot at a mark / snipe
           De sköt prick på en melon - They used a melon as a target ("They shot with careful aim at a melon")
     3. n-c. a dot, small spot
           Sista bokstaven i det svenska alfabetet är "ö", det vill säga ett "o" med två prickar över. - The last letter in the Swedish alphabet is "ö", that is, an "o" with two dots over it.
           att skjuta prick - to shoot for a target
     4. n-c. a mark, a stain (in a record of good behavior)
           Han har haft körkort i 40 år och kört utan prickar - He's had a driver's license for 40 years and has received zero driving infractions
     5. n-c. a guy, person; especially about a particularly nice or funny one
           Det var en riktigt trevlig prick, det där. - That was a really nice guy, there.
     6. n-c. a floating seamark in the form of a painted pole, possibly with cones, lights and reflectors
           Ser du om pricken därborta är en nord eller en ost? - Can you see whether the mark over there is a north mark or an east mark?

     1. adj. keen, acute, sharp, clever, sharp-witted
     2. adj. astute
     3. adj. sagacious
     4. adj. perspicacious

     1. adj. clever, bright, smart, intelligent

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