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The Swedish word for sheet is


Translations for sheet and their definitions

     1. n. an ark, a box; the Ark of the Covenant
     2. n. the ark (ship) of Noah, resembling a box
     3. n. a sheet of paper
     4. n. (printing) a signature, a multiple of four pages printed on a single sheet, which is folded and bound into a book

     1. n. sheet (bedsheet)
     2. n. (slang) 1000 SEK (Swedish crowns) or similarly of other currency; a grand

     1. n. (botany) Blade, leaf; an organ of a plant.
     2. n. Page; one side of a leaf of a book
     3. n. Leaf, sheet; a piece of paper
     4. n. Blade; the sharp-edged or pointed working end of a tool or utensil

     1. n. a path, a race, a track
           månen går sin tysta ban', snön ligger vit på fur och gran
             the moon walks its silent path, the snow lies white on pine and spruce
     2. n. a track, a railroad
           de privata banorna
             the privately owned railroads
     3. n. a track, a career track, a career, a life

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